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Research Paper Final Draft

Remember, the paper is five paragraphs long (3 bodies, intro,


You must have at least EIGHT citations.

You needed to cite from at least THREE different sources.

The Works Cited is the LAST PAGE of the paper (must have one!)

The final draft must be typed with 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

MLA heading in the upper left corner: Your Name
Teacher Name
English 9A
12 May 2014

Double Spaced: everything is double-spaced (including the heading).

No extra spaces between paragraphs

You need a title. Title is centered and in 12 pt. font, too. Title should
not be in bold or underlined.

The final draft is worth 50 POINTS!

FINAL DUE DATE: Monday, May 12
**If you turn in your EDITED paper by the end of the period
Thursday, May 8, you will receive five bonus points. That
could be a letter grade. I think its worth it.

Upload your final draft to ChalkUp by the start of class Monday, May

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