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1. Consider the two-uid manometer shown. Calculate the
applied pressure difference.
2. A manometer is formed from glass tubing with uniform
inside diameter, D = 6.! mm, as shown. "he #-tube is
partiall$ %lled with water. "hen & = .2! cm

of 'eriam red oil

is added to the left side. Calculate the e(uilibrium height, ),
when both legs of the #-tube are open to the atmosphere.
. "he manometer shown contains water and *erosene.
+ith both tubes open to the atmosphere, the free-surface
ele,ations differ b$ )- = 2-.- mm. Determine the
ele,ation difference when a pressure of ./.- 0a 1gage2 is
applied to the right tube.
3. "he manometer shown contains two li(uids. 4i(uid A has 56 =
-.// and li(uid 7 has 56 = 2..!. Calculate the deection, h,
when the applied pressure difference is p1 - p2 = 1/ lbf8ft
!. Determine the gage pressure in *0a at point a, if
li(uid A has 56 = 1.2- and li(uid 7 has 56 = -.9!. "he
li(uid surrounding point a is water, and the tan* on the
left is open to the atmosphere.
6. 5emicircular plane gate A7 is hinged along 7
and held b$ hori:ontal force ;A applied at A. "he
li(uid to the left of the gate is water. Calculate the
force ;A re(uired for e(uilibrium.
9. A plane gate of uniform thic*ness holds bac*
a depth of water as shown. ;ind the minimum
weight needed to *eep the gate closed.
/. A rectangular gate 1width w = 2 m2 is hinged as
shown, with a stop on the lower edge. At what depth )
will the gate tip<
.. As water rises on the left side of the rectangular gate,
the gate will open automaticall$. At what depth abo,e the
hinge will this occur< =eglect the mass of the gate.
1-. "he gate shown is m wide and for anal$sis can
be considered massless. ;or what depth of water will
this rectangular gate be in e(uilibrium as shown<
11. "he gate shown is hinged at ). "he gate is m
wide normal to the plane of the diagram. Calculate the
force re(uired at A to hold the gate closed.
12. A long, s(uare wooden bloc* is pi,oted along one
edge. "he bloc* is in e(uilibrium when immersed in
water to the depth shown. >,aluate the speci%c gra,it$
of the wood, if friction in the pi,ot is negligible.

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