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Risk Reduction Paper

Mary S. Skrypiec
Ferris State University
The purpose o this paper is to e!a"uate the c"ient #egan $a%%ers& rea" age 'ui(
resu"ts) #egan $a%%ers& ga!e u"" consent to share her na%e and the resu"ts)
According to the 'ui(* #egan&s age +as ,- .ears o"d +hich is a t+o .ear age dierence
ro% her actua" age o ,/) I +i"" be e!a"uating certain actors in her "ie such as hea"th*
diet* ee"ings and itness) The rea" age 'ui( sho+ed that #egan is ta0ing good care o
her ee"ings ho+e!er she needs so%e i%pro!e%ents in the diet and itness portion)
#egan co%p"eted a ood and e1ercise "og "ast +ee0) This +i"" pin point e1act". +here
the i%pro!e%ents are needed) #egan has a hard ti%e eating ruits and !egetab"es) She
does not "i0e the taste o the% thereore* she is not recei!ing the reco%%ended dai".
!a"ues) A"so* the on". e1ercise she participates in is +a"0ing to c"ass and then bac0
ho%e) The sections +ere e!a"uated c"ose". and a p"an +as created to he"p #egan
i%pro!e her diet and itness)
Partner Health Promotion
#egan $a%%ers is a ,/ .ear o"d nursing student at 2erris State Uni!ersit. +ho
ga!e u"" per%ission to share her na%e and resu"ts) #egan co%p"eted a rea" age 'ui(
ro% the Dr) O( +ebsite) Once #egan co%p"eted the 'ui( the resu"ts +ere that her rea"
age +as ,-) The ob3ecti!e o this 'ui( +as to e!a"uate #egan&s "iest."e choices) The
'ui( "oo0ed at %enta"* ph.sica"* and en!iron%enta" e"e%ents) The resu"ts conc"uded
that #egan e1ce"s at 0eeping her %enta" %ora"e high) 4o+e!er* #egan needs he"p +ith
her ph.sica" aspects b. i%pro!ing her diet and e1ercises)
Assessment: Strength and Weakness
#egan strengths he"ped 0eep her rea" age resu"ts "o+er) Stress and ee"ings
aect our dai". hea"th +ithout our conscious %inds rea"i(ing it) #egan has a strong
socia" support s.ste%) On the +ee0ends* she is ab"e to tra!e" ho%e and see her a%i".)
#egan&s a%i". is he"ping her re"ie!e stress b. "istening to her ta"0 about her ee"ings*
schoo" and stress) The. a"so he"p ta0e her %ind o stress b. changing the sub3ect and
gi!ing her a brea0 ro% nursing schoo") Since she is ab"e to see her a%i". re'uent".
this tightens the bond bet+een the%) There is another support group that is a"+a.s
there or her5 the. are her nursing peers) #egan a"+a.s has so%eone there +ho +i""
understand the pain* s+eat and tears it ta0es to pass nursing c"asses) She a"+a.s has a
shou"der to cr. on and a group o encouraging peers to ind hu%or out o those stic0.
situations) #egan a"so spends ti%e gi!ing bac0 to the co%%unit. b. !o"unteering at the
4e"en De!os Chi"dren&s 4ospita") #egan is inspiring others si%p". b. bringing to.s*
painting* and ta"0ing to chi"dren) This not on". boosts the chi"dren&s %ora"e but i%pro!es
#egan&s 'ua"it. o "ie) 2a%i". and riends are a great +a. to 0eep ee"ings and spirits
high ho+e!er there are se"6initiated techni'ues that #egan o""o+s) S"eep is a po+eru"
thing) #egan rea"i(es the i%portance o getting the correct a%ount o s"eep) According
to the Centers or Disease Contro" 7CDC8 an adu"t shou"d be getting bet+een se!en and
eight hours o s"eep per night 7,91/8) On a!erage #egan gets se!en and one6ha" hours
o s"eep per night) This +i"" i%pro!e her %ood* thin0ing* and out"oo0 on "ie 7#ind* #ood
: #e%or.* ,91;8) #usic is a positi!e +a. to create re"a1ation) A stud. +as done at a
#id+estern Uni!ersit. +here /<= co""ege students too0 a sur!e. and ound that one o
the top +a.s to reduce stress +as "istening to %usic 7King* ,91,8) >hene!er there is a
ti%e that #egan needs re"a1ation* she is ab"e to ind it b. "istening to Christian %usic)
#egan has %an. characteristics and beha!iors +hich he"p reduce her stress and 0eep
her .oung* ho+e!er she a"so has roo% or i%pro!e%ent in other areas o her "ie)
One area o +ea0ness noted on the Rea" Age 'ui( +as nutrition) #egan starts
e!er.da. b. eating brea0ast) 4o+e!er* ater brea0ast #egan&s diet is unhea"th.) In the
rea" age 'ui( it ca"cu"ated that her ?#I +as ;9)=/) This puts her in the obese categor.
7Dude0* ,91/*p);==8) ?eore co%p"eting the ood "og* #egan stated that she does not
"i0e %an. ruits and hates !egetab"es) She to"erates app"es or grapes but does not
en3o. an. !egetab"es) Since she is a nursing student it is hard or her to ind ti%e to
coo0* so or "unch she oten eats high ca"orie conni!ence ood) #egan en3o.s 3un0 ood
snac0s such as popcorn +ith butter* choco"ate %a"t ba""s* peanut butter cups and drin0s
Coca6Co"a) The ood "og a"so de%onstrated that #egan&s dinners are carboh.drate6
"oaded) She eats pasta* ried or breaded oods* and pi((a) The e1ercise "og
de%onstrated that #egan bare". participates in an. e1ercise at a"") The on". e1ercise
she does is +a"0ing ro% her apart%ent to the A""ied 4ea"th bui"ding) This is about a 1
%i"e +a"0 through ca%pus) Since #egan does not in!o"!e herse" +ith e1ercise she is
putting herse" at ris0 or high b"ood pressure* diabetes* high cho"estero" and obesit.
7Dude0* ,91/* p) ;=-8) A"" o those hea"th conditions cou"d e!entua"". "ead to %ore
se!ere chronic diseases such as heart attac0s or stro0es in her "ater .ears o "ie
74ea"th Eects o Obesit. *,91/8) To get #egan&s rea" age resu"ts do+n she +i"" need to
i%pro!e her diet and e1ercise)
Transtheoretical Model
Since #egan is in nursing schoo" she is educationa"". a+are o ho+ a
hea"th. diet and the right a%ount o e1ercise +i"" i%pro!e her hea"th) Current".* #egan
is a+are o her ?#I and 0no+s +hat "iest."e changes she cou"d %a0e to potentia"".
reduce her ?#I and hea"th ris0s* ho+e!er she has .et to ta0e action) This +ou"d p"ace
#egan in stage one5 Preconte%p"ation in the Transtheoretica" %ode" o beha!ior
change 74uerta* : #a!i""e* ,91;* p)/=8) #egan be"ie!es that there is no need or
change in her dai". routine) She is happ. +ith the ood choices she %a0es and does not
+ant to e1ercise) #egan states that she is ee"s hea"th. and is happ.)
An indi!idua" care p"an catered especia"". to #egan %a. he"p %oti!ate her to
begin stage t+o5 conte%p"ation in the Transtheoretica" %ode" o beha!ior change
74uerta* : #a!i""e* ,91;* p)/=8)It is reco%%ended b. the CDC that adu"ts need to ha!e
, hours and ;9 %inutes o %oderate acti!it. and at "east , da.s o %usc"e training that
inc"udes a"" %usc"e groups per +ee0 7,91/8) #an. o #egan&s nursing peers go to the
recreationa" center dai".* +here she cou"d arrange to go +ith the% ater c"ass) This +i""
0eep her %oti!ated at the g.% and %a0e it en3o.ab"e) A stud. +as done at Du0e
Uni!ersit. #edica" Center to ind out +hich o e1ercise +as best or "osing +eight
7Obesit.* 2itness : >e""ness >ee0* ,9118) The resu"ts +ere that aerobic e1ercise +as
%ost eecti!e at reducing !iscera" at* "i!er at* and trig".ceride "e!e"s 7,9118) The stud.
co%pared aerobic and resistance training5 aerobic training burned -@A %ore ca"ories
7,9118) Aerobic e1ercise is the best +a. or #egan to "ose +eight and gain sta%ina)
According to #igue" A"onso a researcher at 4ar!ard Uni!ersit.* BPh.sica" e1ercise
see%s to encourage a hea"th. diet) In act* +hen e1ercise is added to a +eight6"oss diet*
treat%ent o obesit. is %ore successu" and the diet is adhered to in the "ong runB
7Obesit.* 2itness : >e""ness >ee0* ,911* P 1<C8) A Corne"" Uni!ersit. studied sho+s
that the irst three oods a person sees at a buet +i"" end up being -- percent o the
ood a person i""s up on 7Roberts6Dre.* ,91/8) Considering this* #egan shou"d start b.
eating sa"ads +hene!er she eats out) A +a. to "ose +eight is to count ca"ories) The
Nationa" Institues o 4ea"th 7NI48 reco%%ends to "ose +eight obese +o%en shou"d
consu%e 1999 to 1,99 ca"ories per da. 7Dude0* ,91/* p);-98) I #egan o""o+s this
ca"orie reduction or at "east - %onths she cou"d "ose up to eight percent o her bod.
+eight 7,91/8) #egan can 0eep a +ritten 3ourna" o +hat she eats or she can do+n"oad
the app"ication #.2itness Pa" on her phone) #.2itness Pa" is an eas. +a. to 0eep trac0
o ho+ %an. ca"ories .ou consu%e b. si%p". scanning the products barcode)
Consu%er Reports %aga(ine did a stud. o C*;@- rando% dieters and ound that <;A
o the% preerred to use #.2itness Pa" 7Ad!ertising Age* ,91;8) There needs be %ore
ruits and !egetab"es incorporated into her diet) #egan shou"d ha!e at "east se!en
ser!ings o ruit and i!e ser!ings o !egetab"es e!er.da. 7Dude0* ,91/* p) ;-,8) There
are +a.s to %a0e !egetab"es %ore "a!oru" +ithout increasing the ca"ories) #egan can
"ight". coat !egetab"es in o"i!e oi"* season +ith pepper* gar"ic* red pepper "a0es* or e!en
tr. roasting the% 7Rico* ,91;8) #egan drin0s at "east one can o co0e per da.) One 1,6
ounce can o co0e contains ;; gra%s o sugar and 1;- ca"ories 7Eegt!ig* ,91/8) This
high a%ount o sugar +i"" be con!erted into at and cou"d "ead to diabetes 7,91/8) >ith
a"" the tips "isted abo!e or #egan5 she +i"" need to cut her ca"ories to 1*,99 and needs
to inc"udes a"" ood groups in her diet) She +i"" need to go to the g.% or at "east ;9
%inutes or i!e da.s a +ee0) I she is ab"e to o""o+ this p"an or si1 %onths she cou"d
reduce eight percent o bod. at o* %a0ing her ne+ ?#I ,C)1) The actions "isted abo!e
are part o the p"an #egan needs to o""o+ to get her into a hea"thier "iest."e)
Evaluation & Wellness Diagnosis
The rea" age resu"ts or #egan +ere o b. t+o .ears ro% her actua" age) The
reason that her age is higher is because she does not e1ercise or eat correct".) At the
beginning o this assess%ent #egan did not be"ie!e she needed to change an. o her
habits ho+e!er* she does no+ ha!e readiness or enhance diet) She is open into
changing her diet because* eating sa"ads* coo0ing !egetab"es dierent". and reducing
soda +i"" be eas. or her to incorporate) #egan a"so no+ de%onstrates readiness or
hea"th6see0ing beha!iors re"ated to aerobic e1ercise b. +anting to go to the g.% %ore)
She is a"so +i""ing to go on night". +a"0s in the su%%er) These changes +i"" decrease
her ?#I) This process o change %a. ta0e a+hi"e or #egan but +ith the strong support
s.ste% o her a%i". and riends she +i"" be ab"e to ta0e those changes and %a0e the%
into a dai". routine)
Food Log:
Date Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Thursday 2/27 Carnation Instant
Fried Chicken
Mancino's Sub
Friday 2/28 Soothie !i""a
Choco#ate Ma#t
Che$ Mi$
Saturday 2/2% Breakfast !i""a
Left o&er 'i""a
!o'corn Stra*berry
Sunday 2/,- Bo*# of cheerios
Cinnaon .o##s
Baked !otato
!ork steak and
Choco#ate Ma#t
Monday 2/,0 Carnation Instant
Mc Dona#d's
Cheese bur)er ea#
*ith Coke
!o'corn chicken
and fries
Tuesday ,/0 Cheese and
2ar !i""a Sub
Che*y S'rees
2ednesday ,/2 Cinnaon .o##s (a 3 cheese
Che$ Mi$
Thursday ,/, Carnation Instant
Mashed !otatoes
Choc cake
(oeade !i""a
Exercise Log:
Date 4M e$ercise 5inutes6 !M e$ercise 5inutes6
Thursday 2/27 ,7- inutes 5c#inica#s6 -
Friday 2/28 - -
Saturday 2/2% 08 5*a#kin)6 08 5*a#kin)6
Sunday 2/,- - -
Monday 2/,0 ,8 5*a#kin) to c#ass6 -
Tuesday ,/0 ,8 5*a#kin) to c#ass6 -
2ednesday ,/2 ,8 5*a#kin) to c#ass6 -
Thursday ,/, ,7- inutes 5c#inica#s6 -
Aerobic e1ercise bests resistance training at burning be"". at) 7,911* Septe%ber 1@8)
Obesit! "itness & Wellness Week* 11C) Retrie!ed ro% http:FF
go)ga"egroup)co% F psFi)doGidHDA$E
Center or Disease Contro" #hsical activit re$uirements retrieved ) 7,91;* Eanuar.8)
Retrie!ed ro% http:FF+++)cdc)go!FagingFser!icesFinde1)ht%
Dude0* S) 7,91/8) %utrition essentials &or nursing #ractice) 7@th ed)8) Ne+ Kor0: >o"ters
E1ercise he"ps us to eat a hea"th. diet) 7,911* Dece%ber 198) Obesit.* 2itness :
>e""ness >ee0* 1<C) Retrie!ed ro% http:FFgo)ga"egroup)co%FpsFi)doGidHDA$E
Health e&&ects o& obesit) 7,91/8) Retrie!ed ro%
4uerta* C)* : #a!i""e* E) 7,91;8) Health #romotion in nursing) 7;rd ed)8) Ne+ Kor0:
Eegt!ig* S) 7,91/* 2ebruar. 118) 'uess ho( much sugar is in a can o& soda) Retrie!ed
ro% http:FFnutrition)about)co%FodFhea"th.appeti(erssnac0sFFho+6%uch6sugar6
King* K) A)* Singh* #)* ?ernard* A)* #erianos* A) $)* : Iidoure0* R) A) 7,91,* 2a""8)
E%p" the hea"th be"ie %ode" to e1a%ine stress %anage%ent a%ong
co""ege students) American )ournal o& Health Studies* ,@7/8* 1C,L) Retrie!ed
ro% http:FF go)ga"egroup)co%Fps FI)doGidHDA$E A@CA;//1=/C;9:!H,)1:uH
$etMs get serious about s"eep: poor s"eep negati!e". aects the brain and %a. increase
de%entia ris0) 4ereMs ho+ to a!oid s"eep disruptions) 7,91;8) Mind! Mood &
Memor* *7<8* -L) Retrie!ed ro% http:FFgo)ga"egroup)co%FpsFi)doGidHDA$E
A@CA;;</1C,C,:!H,)1:uH"o%J errissu:itHr:pHAONE:s+H+ :asid
H@<,;<C-@d/d////; Ce,=C;<ca1bb1-1
Rico* C) 7,91/8) Ho( can i make veggies a##ealing+) Retrie!ed ro%
Roberts6Dre.* D) 7,91/* #arch8) 4ea"th Ne+s >e $o!e: 19 Snea0. >a.s To $ose
>eight) 'lamour* 11,7;8* ,1,) Retrie!ed ro% http:FFgo)ga"egroup)co%FpsFi)doG
idHDA$EA@CA;-9;;<,C@:!H,)1:uH"o%J errissu:itHr:pHITO2:s+H+:asidH
T4E >EID4T6$OSS $O>DO>N5 Consu%er Reports sur!e.ed C*;@- subscribers on
their a!orite diet p"ans) 7,91;* Apri" 18) Advertising Age* ,-71;8* 99,1) Retrie!ed
ro% http:FFgo)ga"egroup)co%FpsFi)doGidHDA$EA@CA;,/C=1@1-:!H,)1:uH"o%J

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