Aesir Code of 9

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The Code is to Honor

Honor yourself with truth and fairness. Your word is your bond, give your word
power by adhering to it. Honor your family and friends with reverence and
respect. Honor your love and the Way above all else. Honor is the mark of
strength and nobility.
2. The Code is to Protect
Protect with savagery your blood and kin. et no one or no thing violate your love
or way. et there always be ine!uity in defense. "lways protect thrice as fiercely
as one is attacked. Protection is the mark of a warrior spirit.
#. The Code is to Flourish
Prosperity and growth are key to the survival of the way. $uch is the mark of
%. The Code is Knowledge
&nowledge is power. $eek ever to e'pand the mind. (ever stagnate, for
knowledge is a gift from the )ods.
*. The Code is Change
"dapting and changing are important for growth and survival. +hat which cannot
adapt or change is doomed to perish. ,hange is the mark of insight.
-. The Code is Fairness
Pay all debts, pull your own weight, always hear and consider all sides. +reat all
others with e!uity and fairness. .'pect the same.
/. The Code is Balance
0emember the aw of balance1 "ll that which you do or wish for, good or ill,
shall return to you one day. $trive for the good.
2. The Code is Control
(ever loose control to anger or be baited by hostility. (ever strike a woman
unless your life hangs in the balance. (ever violate the weak or innocent.
(ever tolerate those who do. ,ontrol is the mark of a disciplined mind, a sign of
the greatest of warriors.
3. The Code is Conflict
+hose who follow the way must know the art of combat, weapons and vengeance.
War is part of the path. "lways be prepared for hostility. 4t is a destiny woven into
the fibers of our people. &eep body, mind and training up at all times. Have no
remorse in the savagery of conflict. Win, prevail and survive.

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