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Model Release

This Agreement is between Eduard Boguslavsky (Photographer) and the following person(s)
#n $onsideration of the engagement as a model% and for other good and valuable $onsideration
herein a$knowledged as re$eived% # hereby grant to Photographer% his&her legal representatives%
heirs and&or assigns% those for whom Photographer is a$ting% and those a$ting with his&her
authority and permission ($olle$tively Photographer)% the absolute right and permission to
$opyright and use% re'use% and publish% photographi$ portraits or pi$tures of me or in whi$h # may
be in$luded% in whole or in part% or $omposite or distorted in $hara$ter or form% without restri$tion
as to $hanges or alterations from time to time% in $on(un$tion with my own or a fi$titious name% or
reprodu$tions thereof in $olor or otherwise% made through any medium at his&her studios or
elsewhere% and in any and all media now or hereafter known% for art% advertising% trade or any
other legal purpose" # also $onsent to the use of any printed matter in $on(un$tion therewith"
# hereby waive any right that # may have to inspe$t or approve the finished produ$t or produ$ts or
the advertising $opy or printed matter that may be used in $onne$tion therewith or the use to
whi$h it may be applied"
# hereby release% dis$harge and agree to hold harmless Photographer from any and all liability
that has or may o$$ur or be produ$ed in the taking of said pi$tures or any subse)uent pro$ess
thereof% as well as any publi$ation thereof"
# a$knowledge that # am at least *+ years old% and have the right and ability to $onsent to the
terms herein% and further% that # have am authori,ed and able to sign on behalf of all persons
listed above as !odel(s)"
# have read% understood% and agree to the terms of this -elease" # understand that # am or may
be giving up $ertain legal rights by signing this -elease"
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1ignature //////////////////////////////////////////
Address //////////////////////////////////////////

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