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Sensory Writing Unit - Lesson Plan #10 Technology

Classroom Teacher: Leslie Nohara Grade

(K-12)/Developmental Level: 5
Date Lesson Will Be Taught: TBD
Lesson Subject Area: Language Arts
Lesson Topic: Sensory Writing Technology
Preservice Teacher: Kate Ganiron
Stage 1- Desired Results
Established Goals/Big Ideas (Include):
What are the big picture concepts, conceptual anchors, and connections?
1. Technology is used at multiple times throughout the day.
2. Technology is used in multiple forms (e.g. computer, phone, etc.)
3. Technology can be helpful and hurtful.
4. Technology takes us a lot of our daily lives.
Common Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with
reasons and information.
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.3d Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey
experiences and events precisely.
o CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Students will understand that..
1. Students will understand that technology is
used at many times of the day for different
2. Students will understand that by cutting out
technology, they will have a lot of free
time to write.
Essential Questions:
What questions highlight the big ideas?
1. What types of technology do you use on a
daily basis?
2. How often do you use technology?
3. Why do you use technology?
4. Is your technology use productive?
Content Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will know.
1. Students will know what types of
technology they use routinely.
2. Students will know the frequency of their
technology use.
Skill Acquisition (Objectives):
Student will be able to
1. Students will be able to log their
technology use for 5 days.
2. Students will be able to purge technology
for 3 days.
3. Students will know the purpose of their
technology use.
4. Students will know how to free write
during their technology purge.
3. Students will be able to free write using
sensory writing techniques and activities
during their technology purge.
4. Students will be able to write a reflective
essay about their experience logging and
purging technology use.
5. Students will be able to state and support
an opinion of whether or not technology is
helpful or hurtful.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
What tasks will students be able to do to
demonstrate understanding?
1. Students will be able to participate in a
discussion about their technology use.
2. Students will be able to log their
technology use for 5 days using the given
3. Students will be able to purge technology
for 3 days with the exception of school
work and for important phone calls.
4. Students will be able to write a reflective
essay about their technology logging and
5. Students will be able to give and support
an opinion on whether technology is
helpful or hurtful.
See attached rubric.
Other Evidence:
What other things can students do to show what
they know?
Lesson Accommodations:
Struggling learners will be required to
create a list of the technology they use.
They will not be required to keep a log of
duration of time technology was used.
They will be required to purge technology
for one day. These students will write a
reflective paper on their experience.
Advanced learners will be challenged to
purge technology for longer than 3 days.
These students should see how long they
can last without tv, video games, phones,
etc. These students will also be
encouraged to compare their technology
use on the weekends to weekdays in their
reflective essay. They will be encouraged
to notice and explain trends in their logs.
What ways can students check understandings to
set future goals?
1. Students will become aware of why they
use technology in the future.
2. Students will become mindful of whether
or not their technology use is productive or
for pleasure.
What did you identify during self-evaluation?
At first this lesson plan was meant for one day.
However, I decided to extend this lesson over
multiple days and incorporate both in-school and
at-home parts of this lesson.
I created this lesson because technology is used
more and more everyday by all people. Ive
noticed that students all have cell phones, go
home and play video games or computer games,
and watch television. I wanted students to
become aware of their technology use and how
much of this time was productive.
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
What will the students do during the lesson so that they achieve the stated goals? How will you guide
the students? What resources are needed?
Lesson to be conducted in 4 parts: 1) Pre-Assessment - Introduction, 2) Home observations, 3)
Technology Purge, 4) Reflective Essay
Part 1: Pre-Assessment - Introduction
1. Discussion (20 minutes)
- Who has a cell phone/laptop/iPad/tablet, etc?
- Who has an iPod/mp3 player?
- Who watches television every night?
- Who plays video games/computer games?
- Who texts/IMs?
- How many hours per day/hours per week do you think you spend using all of this
- Is there a difference between the amounts of technology you use over the weekend
compared to the weekdays?
2. Assignment Intro (5 minutes)
- Over Spring Break, log your technology use
- Log every time you use technology
- Log type of technology used
- Log the duration of time the technology was used
- Log the purpose of technology use
Part 2 Home Observations
1. Complete Technology Log over Spring Break
- Fill in the worksheet provided
Part 3 Technology Purge
1. Do not use any technology for 3 days (Try 5 days or a week! See how long you last!)
- Free write during times when you would use technology
- Exceptions: schoolwork and phone calls to/from parents or important people (no
talking/texting for fun)
Part 4 Reflective Essay
1. Discussion (10 minutes)
- What did you notice doing your activity log?
- Did you notice any trends in your technology use?
- Was it easy/hard to purge technology?
- What was the most difficult part about giving up technology?
2. Essay (45 minutes)
- Write a reflective essay about your experience logging and purging technology use.
- Requirements:
Must be at least 1 page long
Must include what senses you were aware of/noticed during your technology
Include trends, compare/contrast, likes/dislikes, thoughts/ideas
Include opinion: Are you spending too much time using technology?
Students have the opportunity to share their essay or observations with the class.

Acknowledged: ______________________________ Date: __________ Grade (if applicable): _____
(Course instructor, university supervisor, and/or cooperating teacher)

Technology Log

Sensory Writing Unit: GLO Assessment
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Stays on task Student writes for
the entire period.
Student is not
distracted by
peers. Student is
not a distraction to
Student writes for
the majority of the
period. Student is
slightly distracted
by peers. Student
is not a distraction
to others.
Student writes for
half of the period.
Student is
distracted by peers
and is somewhat
of a distraction to
Student does not
write for the entire
period and is not
on task. Student is
very distracted by
peers and is a
distraction to
Sharing Student eagerly
shares with both
small groups and
to the whole class.
Student shares
with small groups.
Student needs
guidance to share
with small groups.
Student is hesitant
to share his/her
Student does not
share with small
groups or anyone.
Presenting Student eagerly
volunteers to
present writing to
the class. Student
speaks loudly,
slowly, effectively,
and clearly.
Student presents
writing to the class
with prompting.
Student speaks
loudly and clearly.
Student somewhat
rushes through
Student is hesitant
and requires a lot
of prompting to
present to the
class. Student
does not speak
loudly, clearly,
slowly, or
Student does not
present to the
class even after
Listening Student is a
audience member.
Student listens
quietly and
attentively to the
speaker. Student
asks questions only
at appropriate
Student is mostly
respectful as an
audience member.
Student listens to
the speaker, but
gets distracted or
talks to a neighbor
once. Student asks
questions at
appropriate times.
Student is not
respectful as an
audience member.
Student gets
distracted by
others and asks
questions at
Student is very
disrespectful as an
audience member.
Student is
distracted by
others and is a
distraction to
others. Student
talks at
times and is

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Part 1:
Student actively
participates in the
discussion. Student
answers questions and
provides examples.
Student participates in
the discussion. Student
answers questions.
Student requires
prompts to participate
in the discussion and
answers questions only
when prompted.
Student does not
participate in the
Student does not
answer questions
when prompted.
Part 2:
Student completes
technology log. Student
records all technology
use for 5 days. Student
provides details for each
Student completes
technology log.
Student records all
technology use for 5
Technology log is
incomplete. Student
records technology use
for 2-4 days.
Technology log is
Student records
technology use for
0-1 days.
Part 3:
Purge Free
Student purges
technology for more
than 3 days. Student
completes more than 5
pages of sensory writing
during technology purge.
Student purges
technology for 4 days.
Student completes 5
pages of sensory
writing during
technology purge.
Student purges
technology for 2-3
days. Student
completes 3-4 pages of
sensory writing during
technology purge.
Student purges
technology for 0-1
days. Student
completes 0-2
pages of sensory
writing during
technology purge.
Part 4:
Student writes a
thorough reflection
about logging
technology use. Student
notices trends and
compare/contrast of
technology use between
weekdays and the
weekend. More than 1
page long.
Student writes
reflection about
logging technology use.
Student notices trends
OR includes
compare/contrast of
technology use
between weekdays and
the weekend. 1 page
Student writes a short
and brief reflection
about logging
technology use.
Student does not
include trends or
compare/contrast. -
1 page long.
Student does not
write a reflection
about logging
technology use.
Less than page
Part 4:
Student writes a
thorough reflection
about purging
technology. Student
includes reflection on
sensory details and
sensory writing during
purge. More than 1 page
Student writes a
reflection about
purging technology.
Student includes
reflection on sensory
details and sensory
writing during purge. 1
page long.
Student writes a short
and brief reflection
about purging
technology. Student
does not include a
reflection on sensory
details and sensory
writing during purge.
- 1 page long.
Student does not
write a reflection
about logging
technology use.
Less than page
Part 4:
Student states an opinion
about technology use as
helpful or hurtful.
Opinion is supported
with more than one
Student states an
opinion about
technology use as
helpful or hurtful.
Opinion is supported
with one example.
Student states opinion
about technology use
as helpful or hurtful.
Student does not
state opinion
about technology
as helpful or

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