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Anabel A. Torres

ECE 240

Child Assessment Analysis/ Artifact 3b


Identify the scenario and discuss relevant information on both children in the
The scenario and relevant information is as follows: Charolette and Cindy are playing in the
dramatic play area pretending to be in a restaurant. Cindy has the waitress roll and Charolette has
the customers roll. Charolette has speech delay and mispronounces some words and lacks
vocabulary that other children have. However, Charolette still was able to communicate what she
wanted to order using writing along with language. She pretended to read the words and Cindy
would pretend that Charolette is reading. After the order, Cindy right away brought Charolette
her order and then Cindy goes to play with several other children at the block area.

Preschool scenario:
Charolette is 4 years old. She is playing with Cindy in the dramatic play area. The center
is set up as a restaurant. Charolette is writing down her order for the person who works at
the restaurant. On a piece of paper, she writes some random letters and hands it to the
other child. She points to the letters, reading the words, saying, I want a hamburger,
fwies and juice. Then she goes back to her writing and points again saying, One, two,
free I want free things to eat. Charolette has a speech delay, in which she does not
pronounce words correctly and lacks vocabulary that other children have. Cindy takes
Charolettes order and quickly returns with a tray of pretend food. Here you go,
Charolette, and hands her the tray. Cindy then returns to play with several other children
in the block area.

Complete the attached developmental checklist based on your observations of the
Children in the scenario

See attachment

Summarize your data from the checklist

Based on the data revealed through the checklist, in the social-emotional domain, Charolette and
Cindy master to cooperate in play with peers take turns, shares space and materials with others
and use imagination. However, there is no information provided to assess other areas.

In the Cognitive domain, Charolette and Cindy master to continuously attend to a task,
understand that letter form words, count using one-on- one correspondence, uses number words
in play context and use writing tools to communicate. However, they both are still emerging to
sustain or expand conversations and there was insufficient information provided to assess how
both dictate thoughts and ideas to adults.

In the Physical domain, Cindy masters to coordinate movements to perform tasks, while
Charolette needs more information to assess her on it. However, Charolette masters to use her
hands to manipulate objects and Cindy needs more information to assess her in that area. Also, it
is needed more information to assess both Charolette and Cindy and see if they move with
control and with balance. Charlotte uses tools involving fine motor skills, but we were unable to
rate Cindy due to lack of information to assess her.


Define possible outcomes (normal and atypical development) specifying how they
Would inform your teaching and guide your intention to seek additional assessment

Charolette's possible outcome would be as follows; she will need extra support on speech and
vocabulary. She needs more vocabulary and help on pronunciation, added to the weekly visits
from the speech therapist the teacher can help her and other children with activities to encourage
speech and language development, such as reading one on one and asking questions to help
Charolette during communication. Also it will help Charolette to be acknowledged when
attempting to communicate something to encourage her to use her verbal communication skills.
Charolette also will need to be challenged in her strengths to progress such as counting using one-one
correspondance and using number words in play context.

Cindy's possible outcome would be as follows; she will need extra support on sustaining or
expanding in a conversation. Cindy needs to have extra assessments on how she can
communicate with others and how many exchanges she makes during that conversation. Cindy's
strengths show she can be challenged by learning new words and writing them down and
progress in using letters to make words that might be under her personal interest.

We need extra assessments on all the domains to have a clearer outcome from each child. The checklist
for one particular scenario isn't enough information to reflect the real outcomes for both children.
However, teachers can mainly support both girls with more opportunities to communicate and to
encourage each of them on how to use more exchanges in communicating and expand


Strengths on Charolette Weaknesses on Charolette
Cooperates in play with peers Sustains or expands conversation
Take turns Speech delay on pronunciation
Shares space and materials with others Lack of vocabulary
Uses imagination
Attends to a task
Understand that letters form words
Counts using one-on-one correspondence
Uses number words in play context
Uses writing tools to communicate
Uses hands to manipulate objects
Uses tools involving fine motor (writing)

Strengths on Cindy Weaknesses on Cindy
Cooperates in play with peers Sustains or expands conversation
Take turns
Shares space and materials with others
Uses imagination
Attends to a task
Understand that letters form words
Counts using one-on-one correspondence
Uses number words in play context
Uses writing tools to communicate
Coordinate movements to perform tasks


Identify strengths/weaknesses of using the profile tool

A checklist as a tool can be used as an observation that would just let us know if a specific
behavior or knowledge is present or not. The checklist categories have to be predefined in order
to be useful, but no other data that was along with it is kept. A checklist is very informal and that
is why it can be used in different occasions throughout the day. It is very simple to use due to the
predefined list of things that needed to be recorded.

The Strengths of using a checklist can be that is very useful in many situations and also can be
used with some other observational method to be able to preserve the context of the checklist. In
reality, it is a very easy to use tool, and is a fast list that can be counted and measured for
outcome purposes/ curriculum use.

In the other hand, the checklist tool can also be very vague in the information due to the lack of
extra information; it only preserves the list of preselected behaviors or actions. The information
can be in fragments or just pieces of the whole story. It isolates the behaviors.

The checklist can be used to see the progress or to measure on specific areas and compare from
previous checklists. But, if other behaviors are encountered, the checklist needs other kind of
observational tools.


Identify other tools that might be used to support collection of data

Other tools that might be used to support collection data with the checklist could be a Narrative
observation for various days to analyze the context of each observation and other information
that we might have missed by using only a checklist. Also, running record, Anecdotal notes, and
use the same checklist in other time of the day too with more preselected domains or areas to
have more information to analyze and be able to connect it to other areas that were not seen. It
also might be useful to have videos or pictures along with the checklist and have that way more
information to analyze.

Discuss adaptations to the assessment tool or other assessment tools you might use
and explain your rationale for using those options
An adaptation to the assessment tool would be to add other areas in each domain to have more
options at the time of the checklist observation to be able to collect more data than just the
minimal. Any data can be of use when doing curriculum planning. For a checklist, every area in
the list should be more specific to not doubt if that specific item is being observed or not. When a
list is ambiguous, it is hard to have more accurate information. Also, the rating scale would need
more options as far as how able is the student being observed. It is inaccurate information if the
options of rating are very limited to seen or not seen rather than how well is being done.

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