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Maija-Dawn Parker

144 Glamorgan Drive Kanata, Ontario, K2L 1R8 ( 613) 836-0495 / maia-!a"n#$ar%er&o'()#'a
Present Position Intermediate Teacher, Ottawa Catholic School Board
Bachelor of Education Junior/Intermediate Division, University of Ottawa, 2000
onours !eo"ra#hy, $aurentian University, %ud&ury, O', ())*
B+, ,sycholo"y/!eo"ra#hy, $aurentian University, %ud&ury, O', ())-
. /urriculum $eader, En"lish and %ocial %tudies 20(0/(1
. +ssociate 2eacher ,racticum mentor for 2eacher /andidate, University of Ottawa 20(0/(1
. '2I, 3entor 20(0/(1
. +do&e and 4ree the /hildren 4acilitator #romote social chan"e initiatives 20(0/(1
. !oo"le Earth and !oo"le 3a# certified 20(0
. %afetal5 certified 20(0
. Blac5&oard /urriculum ,ro6ect !r7 -/* modified #ro6ect8 %#ecial Education and
%tudent %ervices De#artment 9under :anda %ymes;, Ottawa /atholic %chool Board 20((
. +ssistant +ssociate ,rofessor8 Inte"ration of Information and /om#uter 2echnolo"y in
Instruction ,art I 9under %teven Evraire;, Ottawa /atholic %chool Board 200)
/Ed %#ecialist, Inte"ration of Information and /om#uter 2echnolo"y in Instruction
Ottawa /atholic %chool Board, /onsultant8 %teve Evaire 200)
<eli"ious Education, ,art (, Ottawa /atholic %chool Board 200-
Intermediate Teacher %t7 ,atric5 Intermediate %chool
&rades '!( Ottawa /atholic %chool Board 20(2 = ,resent
Intermediate Teacher oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool
&rades '!( Ottawa /atholic %chool Board 200-= 20(2
Lon) Term Occasional Teacher oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool 3ar7 200>
&rades '!( Ottawa /atholic %chool Board to June 200>
Occasional Teacher Ottawa=/arleton /atholic January 200?
Primar* to Senior )rades %chool Board to +#ril 200>
Pri+ate T,tor %elf=Em#loyed 2001=200?
Lon) Term Occasional Teacher %t7 ,eter /atholic i"h %chool Oct7 2001
&rades '!( Orleans, Ottawa, Ontario7 to Dec7 2001
Lon) Term Occasional Teacher %t7 ,eter /atholic i"h %chool 200(=2000
&rades '!( Orleans, Ottawa, Ontario7
S-ecial Needs T,tor %elf=Em#loyed 200(=2000
Occasional Teacher Ottawa=/arleton /atholic 2000=200(
Primar* to Senior )rades %chool Board
0 Destination Ima)ination, Ottawa /atholic technolo"y and student success 4e&7 20(1
. Ado1e Trainin) .or2sho- Oct7 20(0
. &oo)le Earth and &oo)le $a-s Certi3ication June 20(0
. Sa3etal2 certi3ication 20(0
. S,mmIT :or5sho#s 20(2
. S$A"T Technolo)ies = :or5sho# 20(0
S,mmIT 4II 56
Cent,r* Learner, volunteer and #artici#ant 'ovem&er 200)
Blac21oard, Ottawa /atholic %chools, /onsultant8 3ario /erroni 200)
Blo)s and .i2is, Ottawa /atholic %chools, /onsultant8 3ario /erroni 200)
7,d)e Ottawa <e"ional istorica erita"e 4air, +#ril 22, 200>7
OCCSB 3ath 2echnolo"y ,rofessional Develo#ment, ,ro"rammin" <emediation
and Intervention for %tudents in 3athematics 'orth Eastern Ontario, !eometer@s
%5etch#ad, Octo&er 200?7
$ath S,mmit 200?
Classrooms That .or2, > hour seminar #resented &y Ontario ,arentin" Education /enter, +#ril 2000
$ion Auest /anada, B/om&ination :or5sho#B %5ills for "rowin" and s5ills for adolescence, 4e&ruary 2002
. 2echnolo"y ,lannin" !rou# %t7 ,atric5 Intermediate %chool 20(2/(1
. +do&e Couth Doices/4ree the /hildren, E:e +re %ilentF day coordinator 20(1
. 2hin5fast %u#ervisor %t7 ,atric5 Intermediate %chool 20(2/(1
. <ed 3a#le /lu& assistant %t7 ,atric5 Intermediate %chool 20(1
. Cear&oo5 %t7 ,atric5 Intermediate %chool 20(2/(1
. i"hschool :reastlin" teacher coach oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool 20(2
. -/* %chool Dance coordinator to su##ort and assist the EGin"dom ,ro6ectF student
re#resentatives, oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool 20((/(2
. !r7 - End of year /aly#so tri# oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool 20(2
. -/* Boy@s and&all coach oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool 200-/((
. !r7 - +wards ceremony assistant coordinator oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool 20(0/(2
. !r7 * +wards ceremony assistant coordinator oly 2rinity /atholic i"h %chool 200-/((
%ean Gelly= ,rinci#al
%t7 ,atric5 Intermediate %chool
Gristine Bur"oyne= Dice ,rinci#al
%t7 ,atric5 Intermediate %chool

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