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Introduction to Economic Issues

Fall 2013
Course Outline
Instructor: Perry Martens
Days/Time: T 7:00 9:45pm
Room: CL1!
"##ice: CL 40
"##ice $ours: %y appointment&
'(mai): *ia +RCourses
C"+R,' D',CRIPTI"-
T.e o/0ecti*e o# course is to intro1uce t.e stu1ent to economics& %asic
economic concepts are use1 to e2p)ore current economic issues suc. as unemp)oyment3
in#)ation3 tra1e 1isputes3 a4ricu)ture3 po))ution re1uction3 an1 .ea)t. care&
C"+R,' PR'R'5+I,IT',
R'5+IR'D T'6T%""7
Working with Economics: A Canadian Framework, 8
Edition3 /y Ric.ar1 $ir1&
C"+R,' ':;L+;TI"-
5ui<<es3 10= eac. >0=
#1 October 1
#2 October 29
#3 Noember 2!
;ssi4nments3 10= eac. 0=
#1 October 1"
#2 Noember 12
?ina) '2am3 #uesda$% &ecember 10% '(00 9(00)m 50=
19 ;ssi4nments are 1ue at t.e /e4innin4 o# t.e )ecture on t.e assi4ne1 1ate& Late
assi4nments are not accepte1&
9 Misse1 @ui<<es an1 assi4nments Ai)) not /e e2cuse1 Ait.out a 1ocumente1
me1ica) or compassionate reason& I# a *a)i1 e2cuse is accepte13 t.e Aei4.t o# t.e
missin4 materia) Ai)) /e a11e1 to t.e #ina) e2amination&
>9 ,tu1ents A.o #ai) to Arite t.e #ina) e2am Ai)) /e assi4ne1 a 4ra1e o# -P&
C"+R,' C"-T'-T
T.e )ectures #or course Ai)) #ocus on t.e most important topics o# t.e
rea1in4s& T.e stu1ent is stron4)y encoura4e1 to comp)ete t.e assi4ne1 rea1in4s
prior to comin4 to t.e )ecture& C)ass notes Ai)) /e a*ai)a/)e t.rou4. +RCoursesB it
is .i4.)y recommen1e1 to print t.em an1 /rin4 t.em to t.e )ectures an1 to read
t*em a+ain a,ter lectures- Ce Ai)) co*er a)) or part o# t.e #o))oAin4 c.apters o#
t.e te2t:
#o)ic C*a)ter.s/
Intro1uction 1
MarDet ?ai)ure an1 Eo*ernment Inter*ention >
Eo*ernment in Cana1a 4
Macroeconomic In1icators 5
-ationa) Income F
Money an1 t.e %anDin4 ,ystem 7
Macroeconomic Po)icy !

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