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PHED 239 High School Module

Teaching Reflection Template

DIRECTIOS! Include the following information to help you organize
your reflection paper into the different sections/paragraphs.
"# Teaching $eha%io&'! For each teaching behavior, reflect on what
went well AND what needs improvement AND why. ou are N!"
reiterating what you taught#
$. %lanning/%reparation
&. 'esson (ontent
). "ransition/(lassroom *anagement
+. (ontent Delivery
,. Feedbac- given by you to the .tudents
/. Feedbac- you received from (ooperating "eacher
$# Final paragraph 0 discuss what was/were the most important thing1s2
that you learned while teaching today.

(ORM"T! "op of first page should include the following information.
our name
Date of lesson taught / lab day
'esson 3 1$/+2
'esson focus
Name of cooperating teacher
Name of high school

.ubmit reflections via google drive one 1$2 day after your teaching
4emember to use correct grammar, spelling 5 punctuation 6 deduct .&,
for each mista-e. If after the first reflection there are significant
grammatical mista-es, you will be re7uired to see- assistance from the
8riting (enter prior to submitting all future reflection papers 0 0
documentation re7uired 0 0 submit ma9imum of three 1)2 days after
teaching episode#
:evin *allon
'ab Day< "uesday
'esson 3) of +
'esson Focus< !utdoor =ames 1>ltimate Frisbee2
(ooperating "eacher< *s. *urray
Agawam ?igh .chool
$. %lanning/%reparation
!verall I thought my planning and preparation for my third lesson
went e9tremely well. For e9ample, my activities had good
progressions and went smoothly. *y transitions were smooth and
7uic-. Also, since the weather was supposed to be cold I planned
for as little instruction as possible so I could -eep the students
moving and warm. !ne thing I maybe could of improved on was
having each team get to play each other instead of having the same
teams play each other for the entire modified game.
&. 'esson (ontent
*y lesson content was very accurate I thought. I did a great @ob of
e9plaining the activities and the s-ill cues of each s-ill taught. An
area of improvement could be during my closure, instead of @ust
as-ing the class what types s-ills they learned, I could as- them
when would be appropriate times to use certain s-ills.
). "ransition/(lassroom *anagement
*y transitions/classroom management was a strong point of my
lesson. *y transitions were very 7uic- and smooth with minimal
waiting time so I could -eep the students moving. For my
classroom management I set up the cones to mar- the end zones for
the modified game prior to the lesson which really helped out the
smoothness of my lesson. An area of improvement could be me
having the students pic- up all the e7uipment at the end of my
lesson. For e9ample, I had the students bring in all the frisbees, but
I forgot to have them pic- up and bring in the cones.
+. (ontent Delivery
During this lesson is was e9tremely important to have strong
content delivery since we were outdoors. I feel that I did an
e9cellent @ob pro@ecting my voice and using my whistle so that all
the students could hear me. An area of improvement could be @ust
ta-ing my time during my closure and as-ing more 7uestions on
strategy instead of rushing.
,. Feedbac- given by you to the .tudents
"his was by far my best lesson when it came to giving out feedbac-
to the students. I did an e9cellent @ob going to each individual
student and either giving out positive or corrective feedbac-. For
e9ample, some students were having a hard time -eeping the frisbee
flat in the airA I would go over and tell them to -eep the frisbee flat
and have a stronger snap of the wrist. An area of improvement
could be, instead of giving out feedbac- only during one on one
occasions I could say the feedbac- out loud for the entire class to
/. Feedbac- you received from (ooperating "eacher
Feedbac- I received from my cooperating teacher was overall
e9tremely good. *s. *urray told me that my lesson went e9tremely
well and she thought that the activities were well planned out and
delivered to the class. An area of improvement could be having a
little longer time for the students to participate in the modified
B. Final %aragraph
"he most important thing that I learned today during my lesson is
that as a teacher if you bring a lot of energy and a positive attitude
your students and yourself are going to en@oy the lesson much
more. "oday was my first lesson that I was able to accomplish both
those aspects and I felt so much better after my lesson. I plan to do
these two aspects during my ne9t lesson as well.

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