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Tommy Morteboy Year 11

Inspirational Piece of Art

At first I had difficulty finding inspiration due to the time I had to create a piece of art, so after long
periods of time I finally came up with an idea. I first thought of my childhood and the first thing
that came to my mind was Walt Disney. Then I thought to myself, and I knew I needed to insert
something that came from me into my art work. I had to use many different tools and techniques
to be able to complete this piece, but the skill that I mostly used was stippling. By adding more
dots to my work it gave it an illusion of like if there was a shadow and darker parts. Then I
grabbed some water colours and lightly painted a piece of clothing my picture had to make it
stand out and make it look more alive and not so dull. My work had some negatives and some
positives, for example my work needs something to make it look complete, like a background
colour. Meanwhile my work has a lot of detail and the picture itself looks appealing. In conclusion I
am proud of my final piece due to the time and effort and hard work I put in it.

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