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Kevin Mallon

Agawam High School

Ms. Murray
PHED 239- Module
Summary !e"lec#ion Pa$er
Dr. Mangano
A"#er com$le#ing my second career module ( "eel as #hough ()ve grown a lo# as a
$hysical educa#ion #eacher. *eaching high school s#uden#s was +ig change and learning
e,$erience. My whole li"e ()ve only wor-ed wi#h younger -ids so going in#o #his module
( was $re##y nervous a+ou# how every#hing was going #o wor-. (n #he $revious module (
#augh# -indergar#ners. meaning had #o very aware o" all my surrounding and ca#er #o all
#he s#uden#s needs. *eaching a# #he high school level was very di""eren#. *he s#uden#s are
vas#ly more ma#ure and you have #o le# #hem +e more inde$enden#.
As ( com$le#ed each #eaching e$isode ( could de"ini#ely #ell #ha# ( was growing as
a $hysical educa#ion #eacher. My "irs# lesson ( was very nervous and an,ious #o ge# i#
over wi#h. ( rushed #hrough my o$ening "orge##ing mul#i$le $oin#s ( wan#ed #o #al- a+ou#
and e,$lain causing #he lesson #o +e $re##y messy and have no "low #o i#. ( gave +arely
any "eed+ac- and #he lesson was /us# 0uie# and +oring. A"#er #his lesson ( reali1ed #ha# in
order #o have a +e##er lesson ( was going #o need #o +e more con"iden# and en#husias#ic.
As #he lessons wen# on ( "eel #ha# ( did a +e##er /o+ each and every lesson o" +eing
con"iden# and en#husias#ic. (n my second lesson ( was e,#remely organi1ed and $re$ared.
2e were having a round ro+in +admin#on #ournamen#. ( came $re$ared wi#h mul#i$le
+rac-e#s in case s#uden#s were a+sen# or some s#uden#s were added #o #he class. 3eing
$re$ared "or #he lesson really hel$ed ou# #he smoo#hness and "low o" my lesson. 3y #he
#ime my #hird lesson came around ( was e,#remely con"iden# and ready #o go. 3y now (
really unders#ood #ha# +y +eing en#husias#ic. your lesson +ecomes so much +e##er. *his
lesson was +y "ar my +es# lesson "or giving "eed+ac- ou#. *his lesson was also e,#remely
hel$"ul +ecause i# was #he lesson ( go# video recorded. 4oing +ac- and wa#ching #he
video o" mysel" #eaching gave me insigh# on my ha+i#s as a #eacher. ( reali1ed #ha# (
#ended #o s#ay on one side o" #he "ield ins#ead o" going on +o#h sides. Ano#her way ()ve
grown as a #eacher in #his module is my a+ili#y #o have #he res$ec# o" my s#uden#s ins#ead
o" #hem #hin-ing me as #heir "riend. (n my "irs# #wo lessons #he s#uden#s didn)# really
#hin- o" me as #heir #eacher. (" #hey had a 0ues#ion #hey would s#ill go u$ #o Ms. Murray
and as- her ins#ead o" me. 3y #he #hird and "our#h lessons once ( es#a+lished my res$ec#
+y using a more con"iden# voice #he s#uden#s +egan as-ing me 0ues#ions.
2hen #eaching $hysical educa#ion #o high school s#uden#s #here are many as$ec#s
you need #o have as a #eacher. 5ne as$ec# is +eing en#husias#ic. (" you6re en#husias#ic
a+ou# your lesson as a #eacher #hen your s#uden#s are going #o +e more en#husias#ic and
ready #o go. 2hen #eaching younger -ids i#)s di""eren# +ecause #hey)re e,ci#ed #o +e
#here. +u# when #eaching older -ids you need #o +e #heir mo#iva#or. A second as$ec# is
commanding res$ec#. 2hen #eaching high school s#uden#s you)re going #o run in#o a lo#
o" s#uden#s who li-e #o goo" o"". crave a##en#ion. or #hin- #hey)re your "riend. As #heir
#eacher you need #o +e a+le convey #o #hem #ha# a# school you6re #heir #eacher and #hey
need #o res$ec# you and lis#en #o your rules and demands. (" you don)# command res$ec#
as a high school $hysical educa#ion #eacher many o" your s#uden#s will run righ# over you.
A #hird as$ec# is having a s#rong whis#le. Having a s#rong whis#le is e,#remely im$or#an#
as a high school $hysical educa#ion #eacher. Having a s#rong whis#le allows you #o ge# #he
a##en#ion o" your class a# any #ime. (" you have a wea- whis#le your s#uden#s are going #o
ignore you and con#inue #o $lay. Es$ecially since when #he wea#her)s nice high school
$hysical educa#ion classes #end #o go ou#side a lo#. 2hen you6re ou#side you6re no# always
going #o +e a+le #o rely on #he s#reng#h o" your voice #o ge# everyone)s a##en#ion. Having
a s#rong whis#le will hel$ you ou# a lo#.
A"#er com$le#ing #his module ( would say #ha# #he mos# im$or#an# #hing #ha# (
learned a+ou# #eaching #ha# ( will carry "orward wi#h me #hroughou# my "u#ure #eaching
e,$eriences is +eing $re$ared "or any#hing. *hroughou# #his module ( was $u# #o #he #es#
wi#h many o+s#acles. 7or e,am$le. ( was moved "rom #eaching on *hursday)s #o
*uesday)s and #hen had #o #each #wo lessons in #hree days. A second e,am$le is during
my "our#h lesson #he school wen# in#o a loc-down "or around 2%-38 minu#es cu##ing my
lesson #o a+ou# '3 minu#es. During #ha# lesson ( was +arely a+le #o ge# any#hing done. +u#
i" ( was $re$ared "or any#hing ( could have wri##en down #he mos# im$or#an# #hings (
wan#ed #o ge# across and #al-ed a+ou# #hem. A #hird e,am$le is "or my #hird lesson #he
wea#her was li##le a cold and a sligh# chance o" rain. My lesson was $lanned #o +e ou#side
and ended u$ +eing ou#side. +u# i" had ha$$ened #o rain my lesson would have +een
moved #o inside. 3y +eing $re$ared "or +o#h si#ua#ions made me a lo# more con"iden# and
ready #o go. 9as#ly. +y +eing $re$ared "or any#hing during lessons really ma-es a
di""erence. (# shows #ha# you care and $u# e""or# in#o your lessons.
*a-ing PHED 239 has +een an ama1ing e,$erience "or me. ()ve learned li"elong lessons
and valua+le #eaching $oin#s #ha# ( will never "orge#. Every#hing #ha# ()ve learned in #his
module is only going #o hel$ me in a $osi#ive way "or my "u#ure #eaching e,$eriences. (
can)# wai# #o s#ar# #he ne,# modules and learn even more valua+le lessons and #eaching

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