Measuring Tornadoes Lesson Plan

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I. Standard:
A. R.IT.05.03 - explain how authors use text features including timelines, graphs, charts, diagrams, tales of contents,
indices, introductions, summaries, and conclusions to enhance the understanding of !e" and supporting ideas.
II. Objectie
A. I can descrie what an expositor" text is.
#. I can use a graphic element to help explain the text.
$. I can use the information from the expositor" text to enhance fictional texts.
III. Antici!at"r# Set:
%. I will define expositor" texts
&. 'tudents will suggest ideas of expositor" texts the" recogni(e )ie. *aps, timelines, etc.+
I. In!$t:
,. Tas! Anal"sis
-. I will direct students attention to the chart. .e will discuss that often times there is some sort of graph or
chart to add to text. )'tudents ma" suggest ideas of other things the" see with text+
/. I will then read *easuring Tornadoes to students.
-. I will as! students if there was an"thing from the chart that helped us understand the text etter and 0ice
3. .e will discuss how graphic elements enhance the text
1. Thin!ing 2e0els: #loom3s Taxonom"
/. 4nderstanding 5 'tudents will understand how to use graphic elements in informational text
-. Appl"ing 5 'tudents will appl" !nowledge of using graphic elements in order to enhance the text in
*easuring Tornadoes
3. Anal"sis 5 'tudents will infer the !ind of tornadoes in Thunder Rose " using the ,u6ita 'cale chart in
*easuring Tornadoes
7. Accommodations
/. Remediation 5 'lowing down reading if necessar". 8ro0iding more examples if students don3t understand
-. &xtension 5 'tudents could research tornadoes for more information if the" wanted.
3. 2earning st"les 5 auditor", 0isual, interpersonal,
I. *anaging the lesson
/. Instructional methods: wa"s of presenting9 lecture discussion, demonstration, simulations, recitation,
0ideotaping, etc.
/. 8resenting
-. %iscussion
3. Thin! 8air 'hare
-. &ngagement strategies
/. 8ictures of real tornado damage
3. *aterials needed and prepared
/. Reading 'treet oo!s pages :; < :=
-. 8ictures of Tornadoes
III. M"de%in&:
I will model for students how "ou can use a piece of the chart to relate to the text
VI. C'ec(in& )"r *nder+tandin&:
A. .hat is something "ou can learn from the chart that wasn3t in the text>
#. .hat is something "ou can learn from the text that wasn3t in the chart>
$. 7ow do the two of these wor! together>
VII. G$ided Practice:
A. I will pro6ect pictures of tornado damage on the oard.
#. 'tudents will suggest where the" thin! that tornado fell on the ,u6ita scale )Thin!-8air-'hare+
$. I will direct students to page :0 of their oo! that shows the tornadoes Thunder Rose lassoed
%. 'tudents will suggest where the" thin! those tornadoes fell on the ,u6ita scale
VIII. C%"+$re:
A. The class will discuss how we can use multiple parts of the text and relate them to other texts )Thunder Rose+ or
situations )the tornado pictures+
I,. A++e++-ent
A. Turn and tal! aout one thing "ou30e learned
,. Re)%ecti"n: )"r eer# %e++"n
A. To e completed after teaching lesson

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