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Minds Eye Society

Sabbat Character Development Document

Member Name:
Membership Number:
Membership Class:
E-mail address or Ppint-of-Contact:
Chapter/Domain Affiliation:
Chapter Coordinators E-mail:
Lead Storytellers E-mail:

Character Name:

This Character Development Document is for use with all characters in the sanctioned US Camarilla
chronicle. By completing this document, you will earn 8 Experience Points to be spent on the
Character outlined in this document.

This document is designed to help the player flesh out the character, filling in background and
relevant character ties, and provide their ST with important information that can be used to involve
the PC during the chronicle.

In addition to answering the questions below, a full Character Sheet must be attached, along with a
brief history summary not to be in excess of five pages. This summary is to be in simple timeline
(bullet-point) format of the most important events of the characters history.

Players are encouraged to expand upon this for themselves and the benefit of their local STs, but
that is not required for CDD completion. The CDD may be completed only once per character.
Players are encouraged to update this document as their character evolves.

This CDD is created for use in the MES Vampire chronicles: Sabbat. It is not
appropriate for other supernatural venues.


Discuss the basic concept for your Character: how he/she fits in to the
World of Darkness genre. Explain the overall theme of the characters
story, and describe how you intend the character to be played.

1. What is your Characters original (birth/true) name? List any significant or long-term pseudonyms
the character has used.

2. When and where were you born? How long was your mortal life, and when were you Embraced?
Were you ever a ghoul? If so, to whom?

3. Who was your characters Sire, and what was their relationship before and after the Embrace? (If
this is a PC, please list their player name and contact information.)

4. Have you ever Embraced? Created a ghoul? If so, how did your character treat their underling?
What grudges or debts do they have toward you now? (If these are PCs, please list their player
name and contact information).

5. What grievances, debts, or enemies did you make before you were Embraced? After? How do
you plan to bring these issues to light to promote political and social conflict in the venue?

6. To which political faction does the character belong, and how dedicated or hypocritical is their
loyalty? What could cause your character to abandon their faction and choose another one?

7. What positions has this character held in the past? Do they hold any positions now? What, if any,
positions are they aiming to step into, and how do they plan to get there?

8. Where is your characters primary Haven? Do they live alone, or with others? How is that haven
protected? How is it vulnerable?

9. What are the characters ties to the mortal world? Do they have living family members or
descendants? Individuals they are considering for the Embrace? Favored mortal retainers? What
would the character do if these individuals were harmed or disappeared?


This section deals with the characters interaction with mortals,
technology, and our rapidly changing modern world.

1. What is the characters date of birth? Do they maintain a mortal identity, and if so, as whom? Do
they have records, identification and so forth?

2. When did the character begin to utilize their current mortal identity? How was their last identity
ruined, and how did they abandon it? How could any loose threads of that identity be used for

3. What habits, hobbies, addictions, vices or routines does your character have? How could these
be used against them by others?

4. Are you or were you famous in mortal society? If so, why, and how recognizable are you as that

5. To what degree was your character educated as a mortal? Was that normal for their gender and
era? Have they continued to educate themselves after the Embrace, and if so, how and on what

6. How comfortable is your character with modern technology and the rapid advancement of the
mortal world? To what degree have they been unable to adapt?

7. Does your character answer their own phone? Do they have assistants to handle their email? If
someone unfamiliar tried to contact the character, how would they do so?

8. How does your character acquire money? If they have the background Resources, what does that
background represent? How does it replenish itself month-to-month?

9. If the character has the background Herd, Contacts, Allies or Retainers, what does that
background represent? How did the character acquire those colleagues, and what do they know
about your character?


What are your characters ambitions? How far will they go to achieve
those ambitions, and what do they have to lose? How is your character
proactive in creating conflict, alliances, and plot within the game?

1. Why does your character venture out into the Kindred world? What are they hoping for; what is
their current purpose from night to night?

2. What are your characters long-term goals in the chronicle? What do you see as the greatest
obstacles to those goals, and how will you confront those obstacles?

3. Why is your character located in their current city? What do they hope to achieve while there?

4. What are the characters most precious things items, position, or individuals? What would they
be willing to do to protect those things?

5. What does your character hate or want to destroy, and what would they be willing to risk to see
those things fall apart?

6. What is the character most ashamed about? Resentful of? Have they been cheated of something
they desired?

7. How will you visually distinguish your character through costuming, props or movement? What are
their quirks, physical peculiarities, or object fixations?

8. What are the characters bigotries or biases? What prejudices or rigid opinions do they have?
How do you plan to inflict these on the chronicle, and to what extent will you persecute other
vampires based on those intolerances?

9. What would be a particularly satisfying reward if the character did well at an IC task? What would
be a particularly hurtful punishment if they fail?


What historical events have transformed your character, and what pivotal
moments have shaped your characters existence?

1. What historical events did your character participate in as a mortal, if any? What were the most
important concerns of your mortal life?

2. What historical events was the character involved with after the Embrace? What have been the
greatest failures and successes of their Kindred existence?

3. Has your character ever interacted with other supernatural creatures (Werewolves, Fae, Mages)?

4. What are your characters favourite or least favourite places in the world? Are they drawn to any
cities or types of locations? What memories haunt them when they think of (or visit) those sites?

5. What is your characters greatest crime? Has it been discovered? If not, how could someone
prove they were complicit in that offense? If so, how could someone use that against you?

6. Has the character ever been in torpor? What torpor nightmares or dreams did they have, and how
do those images haunt them in these waking nights?

7. Has the character ever lost humanity? Under what circumstances? How do they show their
regret? Have they ever been on a path? If not, what do they think of characters and NPCs who
have sacrificed their humanity to follow an alternate morality?

8. How does the character feel about the ravenous Beast that lives inside them? Have they ever
frenzied? If so, do they fear it? Relish the Beasts release? How close to the surface is their Beast
on any given night?

9. With what PCs have you created background ties? What areas of your history have you left open
for future ties with characters created during the chronicle?

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