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Sarah Sober

1130 N. Bayouwood ct.

Lake Charles, LA 70605
$ay 3, %01
&esa Cartwr'te
S'te $a#a(er
855.)68.637% e*t 105
+ear $S. Cartwr'te,
- a"'#( /or the .os't'o# o/ 0ed'atr'c'a# Scr'be throu(h Scr'beCo##ect.
- a" curre#tly a ho#ors stude#t at the 1#'2ers'ty o/ North 3e*as "a4or'#( '# b'olo(y a#d double "'#or'#( '#
che"'stry a#d cr'"'#al 4ust'ce. - 2olu#teer w'th the 5'rlscouts o/ the 1SA a#d w'th the +e#to# Cou#ty Ch'ldre#6s
Ad2ocacy Ce#ter dur'#( the school year. +ur'#( the su""er, - a" a ca". cou#selor. $y 4ob 's to kee. the
ca".ers sa/e a#d co"/ortable so that each ch'ld ca# e*.ress h'"sel/ or hersel/ throu(h (a"es a#d act'2't'es.
$y e*.er'e#ce '# the sc'e#ces a#d "y work w'th k'ds, both .h'la#thro.'cally a#d as a 4ob 7ual'/'es "e /or th's
Because o/ "y .os't'o# as a ca". cou#selor, - k#ow that - ca# hel. whoe2er -6" a scr'be /or kee. the ch'ldre#
cal". Not o#ly a" - a .eo.le .erso# a#d (ood w'th k'ds, but -6" able to stay o# the +ea#6s l'st e2ery se"ester
wh'le 4u((l'#( "ult'.le outs'de or(a#'8at'o#s both soc'al a#d acade"'c.
-6" a /'rst year stude#t '# colle(e, but -6" already class'/'ed as a 4u#'or by hours. - ca# ho#estly say that .art o/
the reaso# - a" as success/ul as - a" 's because o/ "y ty.'#( sk'lls. - ha2e take# a#d e*celled '# two tech#'cal
wr't'#( classes at the 1#'2ers'ty o/ North 3e*as a#d -6" .ro/'c'e#t '# /or"att'#( tech#'cal docu"e#ts a#d
creat'#( .rese#tat'o#s a#d "a#uals. - ca# ty.e o2er 55 words .er "'#ute a#d -6" (ett'#( 7u'cker e2ery day.
3ha#k you /or your t'"e a#d co#s'derat'o# co#cer#'#( the 0ed'atr'c'a# Scr'be .os't'o#. - w'll "a'l you "y
resu"e w'th'# the #e*t week. -/ you ha2e a#y 7uest'o#s, co""e#ts, or co#cer#s, /eel /ree to e"a'l "e at
SarahSober!" a#d -6ll (et back to you w'th'# % hours.
- look /orward to hear'#( /ro" you '# the /uture a#d lear#'#( "ore about Scr'beCo##ect.
&es.ect/ully yours,
Sarah Sober
Sarah Sober

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