Spot Light Beer Shampoo

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Spot Light | Park Avenue Beer Shampoo

Reviewer: Swapan Seth

The national creative director, chairman and chief executive officer of the advertising agency Equus Red
Cell, Swapan Seth has 20 years of experience in advertising and has worked with rands like Ta! hotels,
"eutsche #ank and Tata $teel, among others% $eth does some work with a unit of &T 'edia (td, which
pulishes Mint%
The ad y )ulicis $outh *sia for )ark *venue+s #eer $hampoo is a montage of shots of an overly,
masculine man talking at the camera while doing manly activities% The ad opens with him aout to chop a
log of wood, driving a vintage car, fighting a ear, and so on, and ends with two women shampooing and
drying his hair% The man talks aout the need for men to wash their hair using a shampoo with an ingredient
they can identify with-eer% Tag line. Cheers to man hair%
Your first thoughts on the campaign?
$wapan $eth
/t is of surprise that swiftly morphs into mild shock% This is regressive communication% 0as it a commercial
for a deodorant called #rut1 /t+s completely unwarranted and mismanaged machismo% / would feel like a heel
to e seen with this product%
Beer shampoo is a new categor! "oes the campaign #o $ustice to the categor as we%% as the
pro#uct or &ran#?
/t does the category divine disservice% 0hat is ironic is the fact that this group gave the world of
communication The Raymond 'an, an endearing expression of a sensitive, comfortale,in,his,skin male%
"oes the campaign succee# in #ifferentiating itse%f an# the 'ma%e( pro#uct from the heavi%
#ominate# 'women)s( &eaut*persona% care space? +r #oes it tr too har#?
/t tries very hard and succeeds in differentiating ut certainly does not induce the desire to uy% /t is
additionally socially incorrect% The aggressive, testosterone man is looked down upon these days%
An other campaign in the men)s grooming categor that has caught our attention in the past?
2one at all%
,hat wou%# ou have #one #ifferent% with this a#- if given a chance?
/ would have looked at a more sensitive take on 3men are different from women4, maye a humorous one
too% #ut certainly not this%

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