HR Issues in Small & Medium Sized Companies

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Name: - Ankur Vasani

Roll No: - 31344

HR issues in small & Medium sized companies
(1) In moderate growth compan it!s "ound that retention is most
pro#lematic issues #ecause compan has a less mone "or the
$mploee de%elopment a"ter selecting them so emploee not
retains "or long time & the resign 'o#(
()) *ow-growth "irms reported the lowest le%els o" #oth training
pro#lems & recruitment pro#lems #ecause sta#le en%ironment
+akes di""icult to de%elop emploees at manager!s pace without
adopting a "ormali,ed approach(
(3) -ommunication pro#lems in higher growth companies #ecause the
owner.manager can no longer easil train e%er
(4) No growth companies ha%e "ound retention pro#lems "irm that is
not growing would not ha%e a need to attract man new
(/) -ost is a ma'or deterrent in introducing man 0R practices that
can hugel #ene"it the workplace and emploees(
(1) Immense strategic and cultural changes that are re2uired to
streamline and keep pace with rapid growth and sustain the
3rowth rate(
(4) Recruitment is a ma'or challenge #ecause o" the huge demand
and competiti%e compensation packages in the industr5
some inno%ati%e models to attract talent could #e introducing
partial work "rom home "or homemakers5 people pursuing higher
education and retired people( 6ringing such di%ersit in the
work"orce and targeting the non standard talent pool5 will add a
new dimension in terms o" e7perience and knowledge and
#ecause such people ma not #e interested in pursuing a "ull time
career5 one would #e a#le to attract them too(
(8) *earning & de%elopment is not possi#le #ecause o" the low growth
rate & so attrition rate is more in those industries(
(9) $""ecti%e training o" emploees much more di""icult #ecause
industries ha%e a low "inance & so the can!t hire trannies "or the

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