Texas Refinery Corp - 890 Vari-Purpose Gear

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TRXAS REFINERY CORP. one Refinery Place Fort Worth, Texas 76101 {g17) 232-1361 24 Hr. Emergency Telephone No.: CHBMTREC 900-324-9200 Pate: August, 2004 Supersedes - December, 2002 Sewers [PRODUCT IDENTTETCATION +#24+4 ‘TRADE NAME - #890 Vari-Purpose Gear Lubricant, SAE 80W/90 CHEMICAL FAMILY - Petroleum Hydrocarbon PRODUCT CODE: 8443 seee+ TT, HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS +¥54++ Heavy paraffinic distillates (pejroleun) i CAS# 64742-54-7 PEL: mg/m TLV: Smg/m wr. 70-85 bis material ie not knowm to contain any chemicals on the SARA Section 313 list at a concentration greater than 1.0% or any carcinogenic chemical at a concentration greater than 0.1%. seers 111, PHYSTCAL/CHENTCAL DATA ++++0n porning pornr(°P/c): > 480/232 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H,0=1): 0.8927 YAFOR PRESSURE (mmHg): < 0.1 @ 100 F PERCENT VOLATILE BY“von.: Negligible VAPOR DENSITY (Air=t): > 5 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Negligible EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl Acetate=1): < 0.01 APPEARANCE AND ODOR - Red liguid with sulfur odor seeere TV, PIRE AND EXPLOSTON HAZARD DATA t4#++4 FLASH POINT (CF/C): > 400/204 (COC) FLAMMABLE LIMITS: Lol 0.9% el 7% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CO,, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water Fog or Spray SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Use air-supplied breathing equiprent tor enclosed areas. Cool exposed containers with water spray. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Do not store with strong oxidizers. NEPA: HEALTH: 0 FLAMMABILITY: 1 REACTIVITY: 0 MIS: HEALTH: 0 FLAMMABILITY: 1 REACTIVITY: 0 seeees Vy. HEALTH HAZARD DATA * A+++ H 3 BAN Tuv: Smg/m* (oil mist) PSL: smg/m* (oil mist) PRINCIPAL ROUTES OF EXPOSURE - Inhalation and Skin EARCINOGENS - None known EPFECTS OP OVEREXPOSURE - May cause mild irritation te ges. Prolonged or repeated contact of skin may cause mild irritation. Inhalation of oll mist may be harmful to the respiratory eyetem EMBRGENCY AND PIRST AID PROCEDURES - Flush eves with water for is minutes or until irritation subeides. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and warm water. Ip case of inhglation, remove to fresh air. For ingestion, obtain medical advice. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED DY =XPOOURE - Pro-oxisting skin disorders NOTES TO PHYSICIAN - Kone page 1 443 feett+ VE. REACTIVITY DATA ++4¢++ STABILITY - stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID - None known INCOMPATABILITY (materials to Avoid) - Strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS - Carbon Monoxide, Sulfur Oxides & Oxides of Phosphorus in case of incomplete combustion HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION - W111 not occur seeee8 VII. PRECAUTIONS FOR GAPE HANDLING AND Use ttttet STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED - Recover free liquid. Add absorbent to spill area, then pick up and place in disposal containers. Keep petroleum products out of sewers and water courses by diking or impounding. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD - Federal, State and/or Local approved disposal for waste ols PRECAUTIONS TO BS TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE - Kgep containers closed when not in use. Do not store at temperatures above 140°F (60). Avoid breathing oil mist. OTHER PRECAUTIONS - None setees VITI. CONTROL MEASURES teste RESPIRATORY PROTECTION - Not normally required VENTILATION - As needed to keep exposure levels below the TLV PROTECTIVE GLOVES - Not nozally xequired EYE PROTECTION - Goggles or safety glasses with side shields if subject to splashing OTHER PROTECTIVE BQUIFNENT - Not normally required WORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES - Observe good personal hygiene practice when handling this material. Remove oil-soaked clothing and launder before reusing. Discard vil-sosked shoes. Sttee+ TX. TRANSPORTATION DATA +#+43% DOT SHIPPING NAME - N/A DOT HAZARD CLASS - N/A UN/NA NUMBER - W/A DOT LABEL(S) - N/A FREIGHT CLASOIPICATION - Petroleum, lubricating oi) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: xegulatory affairs office ‘Texas Refinery Corp. One Rofinory Place Fort Worth, TX 76101 (817) 332-1161 Ext. 277 THIG INFORMATION IS BEING SUPPLIED TO YOU UNDER OSHA "RIGHT TO KNOW" REGULATION 29 CFR 110.1200 AND TS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS BASED ON THE DATA AVAILABLE TO US AND IS BELIEVED TO BE TRUE AND ACCURATE. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR TMPLTED, REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THIS DATA, THE HAZARDS CONNECTED WITH THE USE OF THE MATERIAL, OR THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE THEREOP, IS MADE. TEXAS REFINERY CORP. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR INJURY FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED HEREIN. Pagel 2442

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