Barocio Janeth Resume

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Janeth Barocio

1409 N Harrison Lexington, NE 68850 barociojc@lopers.n!.e" #$08%&&4'5080

(ni)ersit* o+ Nebras!a at ,earne*, ,earne* NE
-ac.elor o+ /cience, 0nticipate" 1ra"ation2 3a* &014
3ajor2 4rgani5ational 6 7elational 8o99nication
1:02 $.169
/ales 0ssociate, 4l" Na)*, 0pril &01&' :resent
;"enti+* areas lo< in sales an" rea"jst to increase sales.
8o99nicate an" in+or9 csto9ers abot sales an" "isconts.
-il"ing relations.ips <it. csto9ers to ensre a =alit* s.opping experience.
8N0, 1oo" /a9aritan /ociet* /t. >o.n?s Nrsing Ho9e, 3a* &01&' >l* &01&
0ssiste" resi"ents in "ail* acti)ities sc. as groo9ing, eating, <al!ing, etc.
3aintaine" a clean an" sa+e en)iron9ent b* +ollo<ing proper proce"res at all ti9es.
8o99nicate" resi"ents? c.anges in be.a)ior, acci"ents, or concerns to nrses on "t*.
Extracurricular Activities:
3iss @o5 Latina Lea"ers.ip :rogra9, &010' :resent
-rie+ "escription o+ *or contribtion to t.e organi5ation
/ig9a La9b"a 1a99a National /ororit* ;ncorporate", &010' :resent
-rie+ "escription o+ *or contribtion to t.e organi5ation
8ollegiate Lea"ers.ip Ae)elop9ent :rogra9, &011' :resent
-rie+ "escription o+ *or contribtion to t.e organi5ation
Community Service:
/san 1. ,o9en 7ace Cor t.e 8re, &010' :resent
0rc Hone* /n"a* Ari)e, &010' :resent
D.e -ig E)ent, &011' :resent
Special Skills:
:ro+icient in Crenc.
Clent in /panis.
8erti+ie" Nrsing 0ssistant
/san D.o9pson -++et /c.olars.ip, &010' :resent
Aean?s /c.olars.ip, &010' :resent
,earne* -on" /c.olars.ip, &006' :resent
1ol" Dorc. Honor /ociet*, &01&

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