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Account based research: Health IT Companies

Name of Company: <>

# Research item Details
1 Revenue size ($ mn)
2 Location
3 Software
(List all software)
Type: (EMR/ EHR/ PMS)
ICD 10 compliant: (Y/N/NA)
MU Stage 1 compliant: (Y/N/NA)
MU Stage 2 compliant: (Y/N/NA)
4 Implementation
<What implementation services they provide? (EMR upgradation/ Go live
support/ ICD 9 to 10>
<Who does the implementation for their software (Company/ Consultants/
5 Job posting <What kind of postings are made on careers section? Are they related to
some of the offerings by us>
<Categorize them as per different services we offer>
6 Industry news <Any significant hiring/ firing>
<Are their sales declining?>
<Any other important news>
7 Strategic Partners <Use their website/ Annual reports>
<List the partners & services offered>
8 Industry news <Compile what their top leaders are saying wrt Healthcare IT>
9 Contact details CEO:
VP (New Partnerships/ Business Development):
Manager (New Partnerships/ Business development):
10 Linkedin <Any link between SCIO and Company rep>

<Lets restrict the content to 2 pages max for each company>

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