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Relay for Life

American Cancer Society 3808 28th Ave, #E Kearney, NE 6884

Sara !cCarty, S"eciali#t$Relay for Life, %&308' 440$()88, #ara*mccarty+cancer*or,
-aneth .arocio, %&308' 224$080, /arocio0c+lo"er#*1n2*e31
4r* Am/er !e##er#mith, %&308' 86$8)66, me##er#mita#+1n2*e31

Section 25 4e#cri"tion of a,ency nee3 an3 "ro0ect
6he American Cancer Society i# 3e3icate3 to hel"in, in3ivi31al# 1n3er#tan3 an3 co"e 7ith all
#ort# of cancer#* 6he or,ani8ation #trive# to e31cate, "revent, an3 treat all ty"e# of cancer#*
ACS al#o offer# #1""ort emotionally a# 7ell a# financially for re#earch* Relay for Life i# one of
the lar,e#t event# 7hich the American Cancer Society hol3#, it i# 3e3icate3 to honor tho#e 7ho
have lo#t the /attle 7ith cancer a# 7ell a# tho#e 7ho are c1rrently facin, it* 6he intention# of
Relay for Life /e,an in %)8 7ith 4r* 9or3y Klatt 7ho ran aro1n3 a trac2 for 24 ho1r# #trai,ht
an3 rai#e3 :2(,000 in or3er to "romote 01#t a "iece of 7hat a cancer "atient ,oe# thro1,h* 6he
follo7in, year one of hi# "atient#, ;att <lynn, 0oine3 him an3 to,ether they forme3 a Relay event
7hich i# no7 2no7n a# the Relay for Life /rin,in, a7arene## /1t mo#t im"ortantly ho"e* !y
"ro0ect 7ill /e to recr1it an3 3evelo" relation#hi"# 7ith team# for Relay for Life 20%4 to ma2e it a
contin1in, #1cce##f1l event*

Section 35 St13ent re#"on#i/ilitie# an3 31tie#
=or2 clo#ely 7ith the 6eam Retention > !entorin, Chair, 6eam Reco,nition Chair, Event
Chair, Event Co$Chair, an3 ACS #taff to 3evelo" an3 im"lement a "lan to #et an3
achieve ne7 team recr1itment ,oal#*
.ecome an e?"ert of team recr1itment material# an3 re#o1rce# availa/le to vol1nteer*
Kno7 ne7 team recr1itment ,oal, an3 3on@t #to" 1ntil vol1nteer ha# reache3 or
#1r"a##e3 it*
.ein, incl1#ive in ne7 team recr1itment effort# to en#1re the event acc1rately reflect#
the comm1nity*
Enli#t committee chair#Amem/er#, Relayer#, an3 "er#onalA"rofe##ional contact# to hel"
meet ne7 team recr1itment ,oal#*
;artici"ate in a monthly meetin, at the /e,innin, of each month*
Sara an3Aor -amie are to /e contacte3 on a 7ee2ly /a#i# to maintain comm1nication
a/o1t "ro,re##A1"3ate# thro1,h #ocial me3ia incl13in,, /1t not limite3 to e$mail an3 te?t*
;erform on cam"1# recr1itment thro1,ho1t #eme#ter to ,ather team#*
30$40 ho1r# 7ill /e #"ent "re#entin, to or,ani8ation# a# 7ell a# 7or2in, on flyer# an3
or,ani8ation of the team#*

Section 45 A,ency re#"on#i/ilitie#
A,ency 7ill hol3 monthly meetin,# 7ith the 7hole committee to re"ort "ro,re## an3
1"3ate# from all chair#*
SaraA-amie 7ill 7or2 7ith vol1nteer to en#1re that "ro,re## i# /ein, ma3e an3 to
3i#c1## any 3iffic1ltie# face3 on a 7ee2ly /a#i#*
A,ency 7ill "rovi3e in 3e"th information a/o1t Relay for Life to /e "re#ente3 at
recr1itment event# on cam"1# a# 7ell a# in the comm1nity*
-amie &recr1itment chair' 7ill over#ee an3 comm1nicate 7ith vol1nteer to en#1re that
they are a7are of the ne?t #te"# in recr1itment on a 7ee2ly /a#i#*
A,ency 7ill re#"on3 to "erio3ic email inB1irie# 4r* !e##er#mith 7ill #en3 &no more than
once "er month 1nle## 7arrante3' an3 to a formal "ro0ect eval1ation at the en3 of the

Section 5 6imeline
<e/* 2th$ Atten3 meetin, at American Cancer Society Center at 530 "*m* to meet 7ith
entire team an3 3i#c1## Relay for Life 3etail#*
<e/* 2th$ .e 2no7le3,ea/le a/o1t 3ay$of$event 3etail# re,ar3in, "ar2in,, cam"#ite
#et$1", #ite maintenance, #ite clean$1", #che31le of event#, /an2in, ho1r#, etc* a# 7ell
a# the 6eam Recr1itment Kit#, 6eam Ca"tain Kit#, 6eam !em/er 91i3e#, re,i#tration
"roce##e# &online > offline', an3 other team 3evelo"ment material#*
!arch 3r3$ .e,in recr1itment "roce## on cam"1# a# 7ell a# in the comm1nity*
!arch 4
$ Atten3 meetin, at American Cancer Society Center to 3i#c1## all a#"ect# an3
"ro,re## 7ith Relay for Life event*
A"ril 2%#t$ =ra" 1" recr1itment "roce##, or,ani8ational a#"ect of recr1itment form#*
A"ril 2th$ ;re#ent "ro0ect activitie# at Lam/3a ;i Eta Conference 4ay

Section 65 Re#o1rce#
Cn or3er to "rocee3 7ith #1ch "ro0ect the vol1nteer 7ill nee3 a variety of information a/o1t Relay
for Life, 6he American Cancer Society, an3 the recr1itment "ac2a,eA,1i3eline#* 6he follo7in,
are re#o1rce# to hel" the vol1nteer learn more a/o1t cancer5

1. Ro#en, 9* Ro#en, L* &20%4'* American cancer #ociety* Retrieve3 <e/r1ary 0), 20%4,
from htt"5AA777*cancer*or, *
2. Ro#en, 9* Ro#en, L* &20%%'* 9lo/al voice# a,ain#t cancer* Retrieve3 <e/r1ary 0), 20%4,
from htt"5AA777*,lo/al*cancer*or,
3. American Cancer Society* &20%4'* Relay for life* Retrieve3 <e/r1ary %0, 20%4, from
4. National Cancer Cn#tit1te* &n*3*' 4efinin, cancer* Retrieve3 <e/r1ary %0, 20%4, from
Section (5 A""roval an3 #i,nat1re#
C here/y con#ent to follo7 the ,1i3eline# of thi# contract to en#1re a #afe an3 effective learnin,
environment that meet# /oth the nee3# of the a,ency a# 7ell a# of the in3ivi31al* .y #i,nin,
/elo7 C com"ly that C have rea3 an3 a,ree to the term# li#te3 a/ove*

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