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Karina Martinez
Professor Mitchell-Wagner
English 1A
March 31, 2014
The Truth about Vaccines
What is a vaccine? If you ask yourself that question youll probably say an injection that
they put into you so you dont get sick. Do you ever wonder what these vaccines may contain or
what they can possibly do to the body though? When I had appointments with my pediatrician
when I was younger, I remember the nurse always walking into the room with a little tray that
had about two to three syringes. My mother always asked what each one was for but never
asked if they were really necessary. I would cringe every time I felt the needle enter my skin
and feel the cold liquid slowly spreading through my arm. I would leave the place feeling week
and hurt from the injections. Later on I would start getting bruises and felt soreness all around
my body; I literally couldnt do any physical activity because I would feel tired very easily. I
notice that many clinics dont even ask for permission from the sons/daughters parents if they
want to have them vaccinated. Since some parents arent really aware of vaccinations they
dont really care or take in matter the side effects from each vaccine. Now what would happen
if parents were aware? Parents would now know what kinds of ingredients are being provided
into these vaccines, and they would now know the consequence of each vaccine and how it can
affect their child. Although vaccines can sometimes be good to the body, there have been times
where vaccines have left people in hospital beds.
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To be honest I had a hard time finding information about my topic. Since you dont really hear
about vaccines in the social media it was quite difficult to find information about it. The way I was able
to find information about my topic was through a friend on Facebook. Shes very against all the
chemicals that many products usually contain. She always posted links and pictures of important
information that people should know about vaccinations. When I told her that I was doing a research
project on vaccines she immediately gave me some useful websites where I can find information about
my topic. She also told me about some group pages that people created on Facebook that were against
vaccinations. The group page she told me about was called The truth about vaccines this page has a
lot of useful information such as images, links to websites, and videos. I also got information from
Google. I got a documentary from there called The Greater Good. A helpful tip is watching the video
and writing down everything that you find interesting. Another useful source that I found interesting is a
book called VACCeptable Injuries: Increasing Childhood Diseases and Developmental Disorders by
Markus Heinze. In this book Markus educates parents about the scientifically-documented risks involved
in vaccination. He speaks from a traumatic personal experience as the father of a vaccine-injured child.
Other sources that I found on Google were usually blogs from parents they had few information about
the topic but not information that I was looking for. If youre looking for sources or any useful research I
suggest you go on Facebook and go to the group pages I mentioned earlier. They link websites on their
page so you can check them out and you can also message them if you have any questions.
Facts and Discussion
A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves the immunity to a particular disease. A
vaccine is basically a lower form of a disease that they inject in your body. They inject a lower form of
the disease, so your immune system is able to fight it off. When this disease enters your body later on in
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time, your immune system remembers it and is able to fight it off immediately. Now why cant we just
do it the natural way, where we drink or eat healthy foods that can naturally improve the immune
system? People rather just let doctors inject them without knowing what these vaccines may contain or
what they could possibly do to the body. Believe it or not, vaccines contain many sorts of toxic
ingredients, ingredients such as Mercury, formaldehyde, Aluminum, Thimerosal, etc. The effect that
mercury has on the human body involves harm to the neurological system. Mercury exposure to the
human body can cause problems with memory, speech, and motor skills. Aluminum in the body can
cause bone and brain disease. The effects for both mercury and aluminum exposure are worse and
more likely in infants and children who are still developing. If its worse on children and infants who are
still developing, why is it that these ingredients are being provided to vaccines and theyre being
injected to infants and children? (Figure 1) shows the CDC Vaccine Schedule from 1983 to 2013. In 1983
children were given about 10 dozes of vaccines in a period of six years. In 2010, children were given
approximately 36 to 38 dozes of vaccines in a period of six years! Children now at only two months of
being born are receiving five shots instead of two.
Weve seen a rise with many children who have been diagnosed with diseases and disabilities
over the period of time. With diseases such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, allergies, seizures, food
allergies, and autism. A German study released in September 2011 of about 800 unvaccinated children,
newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have at least two to five times more diseases and
disorders than unvaccinated children (Figure2). Millions and millions of children now in America are
chronically ill and disabled. During the same time period that the numbers of dozes of vaccines have
more than tripled, they have seen the explosion of chronic diseases and disabilities with vaccinated
children. Autism is only one kind of brain and immune dysfunction that is associated with vaccinations.
What is autism? According to WebMD they state that Autism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder
that includes impairments in social interaction and developmental language and communication skills
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combined with rigid, repetitive behaviors. Now what does the mercury do when it is exposed to the
human body? As you read earlier, mercury can cause problems with memory, speech, and motor skills.
Any similarities? Many vaccines contain mercury in them. In the 1980s children were asked to get
twenty three dozes of seven vaccines. In the last few decades that number has grown to sixty nine dozes
of sixteen vaccines. Thats triple the number of dozes children were given in the early 1980s. In the
book Evidence of Harm by David Kirby, Kirby mentions that In 2004, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) declined to state a preference for mercury-free flu shots in infants (Kirby 12).
When infants are vaccinated, these toxic ingredients are staying in their bodies because theyre being
injected with them repeatedly. By the time a child is a year old they would have had more than seventy
vaccine ingredients injected in them. In the early 1980s the autism rate was one in ten thousand, in
2013 the autism rate has gone up to one in fifty! Mercury isnt only found in vaccines, Kirby states that
mercury is also found in some tetanus, diphtheria-tetanus, pertusis, and meningitis vaccines, which are
sometimes, though not routinely, given to children. It is also used in many over-the-counter products,
including nose sprays, ear and eye drops, and even a hemorrhoid treatment (Kirby 12). Its insane how
this toxic ingredient is included in medicines that we dont even know about.
If these vaccines are dangerous, why on earth are they being injected in humans? Did you know
that if your child would ever get diagnosed with a side effect of a vaccine you would not be able to sue
the drug company that made that particular vaccine? When parents started to notice problems that
theyre children were having caused by vaccines, they started to sue many vaccine manufactures.
Because of all the civil law suits against many drug manufactures they decided to stop making vaccines.
Congress then stepped in and said that they were going to stop law suits against manufacturers and
people werent allowed to sue them unless they first went through a new program they set up called
The Vaccine Compensation Program. In the Greater Good Documentary, Vaccine Injury Lawyer Renee
Gentry reveals that The way the money comes into this fund is every time a vaccine is given in this
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country theres a tax on it. So when you take your child in, you pay the seventy five cent tax that goes
into the fund. Today theres been about two billion dollars that has been paid out and theres about
three billion dollars left. So were basically paying money from our taxes that support this program,
unbelievable. Chris Shaw a Neuroscientist did a study on mice on how aluminum hydroxide (ingredient
used in vaccines) was affecting the human brain. He saw that the aluminum was doing massive damage
to the motor neurons; damage to the neurons creates Parkinsons disease, and Alzheimers disease not
immediately but maybe in thirty forty years down the road. When the FDA approached Dr. Shaws study
they responded that it does not believe that this particular paper brings to light the need for additional
research that is not already underway. The CDC tracks the number of vaccine related injuries through a
voluntary program called the Vaccines Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS acknowledges
on their website that underreporting is a problem and only a small fraction of injuries are counted. The
majority of vaccine research is paid for by the vaccine manufacturers themselves. So the people who are
approving the vaccines are taking the word of the pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical
companies have been allowed to be to present at the table at the FDA and CDC. Barbara Loe Fisher,
president of the National Vaccine Information Center suggests that A far wall needs to be built
between those in government who are regulating and making policy for and developing vaccines and
those pharmaceutical companies that are making profit out of sales of vaccines. Parents now are
always asking their childs pediatricians if this vaccine is safe or if that vaccine is necessary. But
remember that Doctors are making these policies because theyre financially benefiting from them. If
you believe that Pharmaceutical Companies are on your side remember this, you staying sick is what
keeps them in business.
In conclusion, vaccines are a risk that youre taking with your childs life. They could end up
being normally fine or they can end up being diagnosed with who knows what. When it comes down to
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it who do you think is responsible for all this? I believe that no parent should be legally forced to play
vaccine roulette with their child. Dont ever think that because the CDC recommends a vaccine you have
to inject your child with it. Remember that you have a chose either to vaccinate or not. There are many
useful sources out there that help you if you ever have a question or if youre not exactly sure what to
do. Im not here to tell you whether to vaccinate or not but I just recommend that you educate yourself
before you do decide to vaccinate. Its an eye opener for a lot of people and its something that parents
should really get their minds and hands in. Now after knowing a little bit more about vaccines, are you
still willing to vaccinate your child?

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(Figure 1) CDC Vaccine Schedule 1983-2013

(Figure 2) The data is compared to the national German KIGGS health study of the children in the
general population. Most of the respondents to the survey were from the U.S.

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Works Cited
Augenstein, David Michael. New Study: Vaccinated Children have 2 to 5 times More Diseases
and Disorders than Unvaccinated Children. Digital image. Health Impact News Daily,
2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
"Autism Causes, Types of Autism, Definition, and Symptoms." WebMD. WebMD, Web. 29 Mar.
CDC Mandatory Vaccine Schedule 1983 vs 2010. Digital image. Vaccine Safety
Engdahl, Sylvia. Vaccines. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2009. Print.
Kirby, David. "July 9, 2004." Introduction. Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the
Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy. New York: St. Martin's, 2005. 12. Print.
The Greater Good. Dir. Kendall Nelson and Chris Pilaro. Prod. Leslie Manookian Bradshaw. By
Leslie Manookian Bradshaw and Jack Youngelson. Perf. Gabi Swank, Jordan King, and
The Christeners. BNP Pictures, 2011. DVD.

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