Lesson: Grade (sl:3/4 Activity Duration

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fesson Tooic/Focus: PE Session
VEIS Domain{s}: Health and Physical Education
VE|S Level:3
VEL Dimension(s}: Movement and physical activity
Duration of Lesson: 30-45 mins
Outcomes :
participate regularly in physical activities for the
purpose of improving skills and health-
-Students begin to use basic games' tactics
-Students work with others to achieve
goals in cooperative
Students listen carefully and follow instructions.
Students demonstrate team work skills, cooperation and encouragement.
. At the start of the lesson, I will ask students why we do P.E.
o lt is important that the students
gain an understanding that P.E. helps to improve their health-
o I will ask the students at the start of the lesson about tactics
I will assess how much they know.
o What does cooperation mean?
(ask students)
r During the game I will assess how well the students are working together as a team, cooperating and
encouraging each other.
o lwill also assess how wellthe students listen'
Teaching Focus
A. Associate Teacher-
skill development
provide clear instructions which allthe students understand.
Background to the learning
A. Teacher
for Target Ball'(Bluearth website)
B. Pupil
o Ask students what cooperation means
o Ask students about the links between P.E and improving health
o Ask students about 'tactics'
Ask students what qualities a team should have
we discussed it in last week's PE lesson, so they
should remember some of these.
Lesson Resources
-Coloured sashes
-Flag (bean bag/ball)
-Soft balls
Content of Lesson
A. lntroduction/warm-uP
Ensure students are listening
Talk with students about cooperation and team work
o What is cooPeration?
o Why is it such an important component of team work?
I ntroduce
game/give instructions
We are going to play a game of target ball'
Each team must stay on their side of the halfway line'
ln our game we have two choices,
o Do we use the ball to hit players on the other team?
o Or do we use the balls to knock over the cones at the far end of the court?
Every time you are hit by a ball, you have to go over and
the other team. You can only be hit
from the shoulders down.
The game ends once all three cones at the far end have been knocked over'
Cones may not be replaced during the game.
B. Focus/Development
Students divided into 2 equal groups
one at one end of playing area/one at other end
Begin game
After one game
bring students back in, clarify any misunderstandings/answer any questions
Talk with students about team work
how well did they work together
C. Task (differentiationl Consolidation and Practice
D. Closure
(5 minutes)
Talk about team work
o Ask students to think about how wellthey cooperated?
How well did they work in a team?
Early Finishers
Extension Activities
will not be any early finishers
Before going out to PE, I asked the students about why they do PE. They were confidently able to answer
that it is linked with our health (gives us more energy, makes us healthy, gives us exercise). There were
some students who thought more along the lines of class rewards, etc which was fine. lt was good to see
that the students grasped the link
(between health and PE) in a short amount of time.
Once outside, I asked the students about tactics. One student was able to confidently say ttrategies'. This
was a fantastic answer
some other students responded
they were good answers, but not quite on the
right track. Before we started playing the game, they had a 'team huddle' where they discussed their best
'team tactics'. The actual
game worked ok, although it was quite difficult to knock the cones over.
Mrs McNeight managed to knock one over, however this was the only one throughout the whole game'
After about 10 minutes, I moved the cones in and altered the rules, however this made no difference. Not
to worry, the students seemed to enjoy themselves any\rlray.
What wauld you do next?
I tried to make the area reasonably small, however for some reason the cones still could not be knocked
over. Possibly, I should use different balls next time
seemed to 'float' away)' Rather than
changing teams all the time, I think I would ask students to run a lap of the court, before re-joining their
own team. lt was a bit disjointed in the sense that the teams were constantly changing
the students
didn't get a chance to participate and work together in one team-

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