Cover Letter Priyanka

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Priyanka Attri

House no-536 L block -15 mahipalpur extn.

Cell: 8802239771 E-Mail:
!"# $anakpuri
!itle% &ppl'in( )or the lectureship
am *ritin( to appl' )or the post o) a lecturer in 'our repute+ institute. ha,e -ust complete+ m' masters in
computer application an+ aspire to be a lecturer# there)ore take an opportunit' to appl' m'sel) in 'our
repute+ institute.
.hile m' resume pro,i+es a (oo+ o,er,ie* o) m' stren(ths an+ achie,ements# ha,e also liste+ some o)
'our speci)ic re/uirements )or the position an+ m' relate+ applicable skills an+0or experience%
You require: I offer:
"asterin( basic
*oul+ (la+l' o))er m' learnin( outcomes an+ m' experience so that can impart the
same onto the stu+ents *ho *ill pro,e themsel,es to be an asset to the institute as *ell
as the societ'. !his position enables me to pro,i+e stu+ents *ith a 2hea+ start3 in
masterin( basic skills in computers.
1er,ice an+
6uil+in( skills.
!hrou(hout m' stu+' process o))er m' ser,ices as a ,olunteer tutor )or 67&# 66&
stan+ar+. *as al*a's bein( reco(ni8e+ )or m' excellent ser,ices. built these
relationships b' reco(ni8in( m' *eaknesses an+ stren(ths an+ buil+in( teams that ha,e
in+i,i+uals *ith complementar' skills is *hat pre)er )or better communication.
9lexible an+
ha,e al*a's +emonstrate+ m' )lexibilit' as a stu+ent. &s *ell as am *ell a*are *ith
the en,ironment that makes me a+aptable an+ ,ersatile.
1ince m' expertise )it 'our re/uirements so closel'# am clearl' one o) the people 'ou3ll *ant to see.
look )or*ar+ to meetin( *ith 'our selection team.
!hank 'ou )or 'our time an+ consi+eration.
:lease contact me at 8802239771.

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