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Dinner For Two


Gulp, went Bluey the Blue the chameleon.
Hey! That was Mine, went another chameleon Named Steve.
Look, its a bly, gasped Bluey
Ts. Their tongues had stuck to the bly at the same time
The two chameleons stare at each other each looking like they were frozen in time
Now let me fill you in here, 10 years ago a bly would be no big no deal but then the crocodiles
rebelled, they became The King and Queen, they over threw Balbo the oldest and wisest tiger. He
was sort of like the king). They ate all the fresh Bugs and left the other forest animals with the other
stale bugs. Thanks to the King and Queens greed the land was now impoverished. Anyway, back to
the story.
The fight seemed to go on for hours. Waking and Stirring the Little Worms and other creepy-
crawlies. By the time the sun had set, almost all of the forest animals had gathered. Most animals
raving and cheering. Other sensible, animals just stood there in amazement that such a little thing
could start such big chaos. Some of the animals had front row seats whilst others could only here the
screams and chants.
Nobody noticed that the king and queen had joined them. Nestling themselves underneath the two
squabbling chameleons, the two large lazy crocodiles opened their wide mouths, looking like two
spring loaded booby traps.
Tweet. Went a little birdie and landed on the branch of which the chameleons were fighting on.
Snap. The branch snapped cleanly in two. Luckily chameleons are known for quick reactions. Bluey
grabbed on to Steves tale and they swung on to the trunk of the tree. In amongst all the chaos the
two had let go of the bly that was now twitching, and dying a slow death, towards Bobs swamp (The
crocodiles did not dare cross Bobs borders for he was the one animal that they could not defeat and
invade. Both crocodiles had history with Bob: King, having been beaten by him in the annual high
jump comp, at least nine times. And queen well, when she had tried to invade Bobs territory well
lets just say at the end of it Bob had an empty bladder. And for these Reasons it was known as Bobs
By the time the bly had reached bobs swamp it had died and landed on a lilly pad. Bob jumped over
to the lilly pad and examined and then picked it up. Just about to eat the bly he saw, out of the
corner of his eye, the two chameleons settled on the bank, their eyes watching nothing but the bly.
He felt bad about eating the bly so instead invited the two chameleons over to a large circular lilly
pad and shared the bly equally among the three, now very good, friends. They sat there all night,
laughing and sharing stories.
I guess that you could say that it was a good thing that branch had snapped. If it hadnt the three
friends would not have learned their lesson: That you have to learn to let go and share. And that
sometimes it might even end up in your favour.

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