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Assessment 2: Practicum Portfolio PART B: Three Learning Plans

Malanie Allison 5849209

Swinburne University of Technology

EDU10001 Intro to Curriculum Planning and Assessment

Learning Plan: Outdoor

Melinda Carlyle

Word Count 1076

Monday 26
May, 2014 (Week 11)

Learning Plan (Bachelor of Education Early childhood)
Topic: All living things grown and change Date: 30
April 2014 Age group: 4 5 years
Title of experience: Mr. Grass Heads
Links to the Early Years
Learning Framework:
EYLF Learning Outcome 2: Children are connected
with and contribute to their world.
EYLF Learning Outcome 4: Children are confident
and involved learners.
EYLF Learning Outcome 5: Children are effective

Content/ concepts
being explored:
Arts & Crafts: Hand eye co-ordination and
Environment: Recycled materials, sustainability
and responsibility.
Science: Growth and change.

Rationale: Why did you choose this particular experience? (Community event, child/teacher/family interest, identified as missing from curriculum etc)
This experience contributes to the positive growth of children and all living things. This is based on an extension of the childrens interest in The Very Hungry
Caterpillar and its growth and transformation. This gives the children the opportunity to learn and care for their environment using all recycled materials that
are readily accessible to them.

Child/Childrens Background Knowledge: What is your starting point what does the child/children already know, what have they done before, how does
this experience connect to or build on their existing knowledge/ interests?
The children have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and know that all things living change and grow over time, including themselves. By creating
their own Mr. Grass Heads it teaches the children new skills by tending to their own plant. It teaches them about the science of plants and the environment.

Learning Objectives: What will the child/children learn?
The children will learn responsibility for caring for their plant and an understanding of the causes and effects (by watering or not watering) their plants,
confidence, science, physical activity by doing something fun, productive and creative. The children will learn about environmental sustainability which
provides learning experiences based on making their community a safer place as well as becoming aware of the impact the environment can have on them
and future generations by exploring how and why the environmental factors affect their lives.

Teacher Focus/ Intentionality: What areas will you concentrate on eg; teaching strategies, EYLF practice principles, interests, equity?
EYLF (2009), Learning Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world. Children become socially responsible and show respect for the

To educate children on the importance of looking after their environment and the importance of good nutrition and adequate water to help their plants survive
as well as responsibility. The children will learn that materials can be recycled and reused as we are doing in this activity to re-produce a new product from
their recycled materials.

The children will develop an awareness of the impact of human activity on the environment and the interdependence of all living things, as well as explore
relationships with living things and observe, notice, document and respond to change.

Environment and Resources: What resources and materials will you need to have collected? Where will the experience take place? Considerations for
time, space and teacher support? How will the environment be prepared?
The resources required are: a foam cup, paint, stocking, soil, grass seeds, buttons for the eyes and glue. All resources are at the center already.

The experience will take place in the outside play area on the table and chairs. All resources will be set up for the children, and assistance will be provided if
needed by myself and the other educator. In small groups the children will participate in this activity allowing for conversation and creativity.

Taking into account the time required for the plants to grow, this activity will be on display for all to see and observe for the duration of my placement.

Assessment Strategies: How will you identify what the child/children have learnt and how will you record this?
Documentation is recorded in a learning journal and evidence of the childs progression will be presented in an individual learning journey / progression
portfolio from throughout the year. We collate this documentation through observation, questions, discussions, and the childs art work and display it
throughout the room. The children will be observed and then their ideas are then supported by educators through planned experiences which will support,
encourage and extend their learning through play.

Plan for all stages
of the experience
Time (full
Specific time?
Eg 12-1pm)
Pre-Service Teachers Actions
What will you do during this time? What prompting
questions might you need to prepare? How might you
assess and record learning? How will you cater for
individual differences?
Child Actions /Tasks
What will the children be doing during this time?

Stage 1
How will you
introduce the
and engage the
interest of the

I will be handing out the childrens caterpillar faces
from last weeks experience, refreshing the
childrens mind on the growth of the caterpillar
through the nutrition he required to transform.

All children can do this activity, but those who are
not interested can continue with their indoor/outdoor

Children will pack away their caterpillar faces, intrigued by the
next learning experience I have created for them.

Stage 2
Main Body
Describe the
experience; what will
children be doing?
How will concepts/
issues be explored?
List at least three
focus questions
relating your learning
objectives to be
asked of the children.

During indoor / outdoor play, I will invite groups of 5
to the outdoor table and chairs to participate in
creating their plants.

The children will do this by writing their names on the
bottom of their foam cups, painting their foam cups,
leaving them to dry, while they prepare their
stockings with a scoop of soil and a pinch of grass

After the stocking has been filled and tied in a knot,
we will then place some water in the cup and sit the
stocking in the cup, allowing for the water to
gradually work its way up the stocking.

I will also explain to the children that they will need
water regularly and when the hair begins to droop
we can give it a haircut which will encourage the
grass to continue growing.

I will ask the children while we are creating our grass

What do you think will happen if we do not provide
water for the plant?

How did you think the Mr. Grass Head is going to

Why or do you know why we are using all recycled
The children will be creating their Mr. Grass Heads, hopefully
looking forward to the prospect of having something of their own
to care for while they attend kindergarten.

The children will interact with questions and keenly look forward
to seeing their Mr. Grass Heads transform and change over

Stage 3:
How will you conclude
the experience?
Reflect on learning
with children? How
will you encourage a
smooth transition to
the next experience

Children will be congratulated on creating their very
own natural Mr. Grass Head, using all recycled

Children will admire and watch the progression of
the growth and cater to the demand of water.

Children will place their creations on the windowsills of the room,
wash their hands and either sit down for afternoon tea or engage
in indoor / outdoor activities.

Evaluation and Self Reflection: Did your experience meet your learning objectives? Why/ why not? What aspects of the experience worked most
effectively? What aspects could be improved and how could they be improved? E.g. flow, resources, teaching strategies, environment, assessment of
learning etc
The children were able to connect and contribute to the experience, and display comfort in their environment by using play and creativity to investigate, and
explore new ideas.

The most effective aspect of this experience was choosing to only take a few children at a time to participate as they all required assistance in holding their
stockings open to put the seeds and soil in as well as tying the knot on the stocking.

Follow-up: Are there any areas that you would like to follow up on? Emerging interests/concepts to explore further?
We will be documenting the growth of their plants, which will require continuous follow ups. This may stimulate the children to explore the concept of recycling
further, possibly seeking their parents assistance in re-using materials at home as well as bringing in resources to the childcare centre.

Mentor Teacher Comments: Pre-service Teacher final reflection:
I thoroughly enjoyed creating and implementing this learning experience. I was
disappointed not all children participated, but I believe I effectively
communicated with the children and assisted when needed.

Appendix A

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from outcome
2/Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from outcome
4/Children are confident and involved learners
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Council of Australian Governments. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The
Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from outcome
5/Children are effective communicators

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