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Chapter 13 Meiosis Review Sheet

1. Describe the behaviour of chromosomes in the different phases of meiosis.

(Total mar!s"
chromosomes condense / coil / prior to meiosis
chromosomes become shorter and fatter during prophase I;
(homologous) chromosomes pair up in prophase I;
crossing over occurs in prophase I;
movement of pairs of chromosomes to the equator in metaphase I;
movement of half of the chromosomes to each pole in anaphase I;
Sister chromatids separate in anaphase II and chromatids move to opposite poles
decondensation / uncoiling in telophase II;
#. $utline the differences between the behaviour of the chromosomes in mitosis and
meiosis. (Total % mar!s"
two divisions in meiosis, only one in mitosis;
meiosis results in haploid cells, mitosis in diploid cells;
crossing over only occurs in meiosis;
no S phase precedes meiosis II;
chiasmata only form during meiosis;
homologous chromosomes move to the equator in pairs only in meiosis;
3. &'plain how meiosis and fertili(ation can )ive rise to )enetic variet*. (+"
random orientation of pairs of chromosomes at Metaphase I;
in other words, maternal and paternal chromosome could go to either pole;
In humans, this produces
combinations; e.g. over " million gametes with unique combinations
of chromosomes
crossing over in Metaphase I also adds to diversity
this is when there is an e#change of material between homologous chromosomes
In addition, fertili$ation brings together genes from two different parents;
%his fertili$ation generates new combinations of genes / alleles and is called random fertili$ation
%his produces . over &' million million unique $ygotes in humans (ignoring crossing over);
,. -hat is a .ar*ot*pe and how is it used to detect )enetic abnormalities/ (include a
description of the procedure used" (%"
( )aryotype is a *picture+ of a full set of ,uman -hromosomes
It is used to detect whether the individual has the correct number of chromosomes such as .owns
Syndrome when there one e#tra chromosome /
or whether there is obvious physical damage to the chromosomes
0etal cell samples can be obtained from the amniotic sac during early fetal development
%hese are obtained with a needle in a process called amniocentesis
%he cells are 1aryotyped and analy$ed for abnormalities

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