Evaluation Question 2

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Jack Lucas

Our production focuses on one

particular social group, and this is
youth and gang culture. Typically
aged 15-20. Our work it also aimed
at this age group, however, it is
also open to adults as it is possible
that they can relate to gang
problems as well.

Our main character (Toby) is presented as a pretty normal teenage boy at the start of
the piece, this being shown by his dress sense and general attitude. However it
escalates and Toby quickly become the main character facing a huge problem
involving gangs. We feel that this shows a brilliant representation of how some young
adults can feel forced into joining gangs and committing crimes. The way that Toby
acts around props such as the gun shows the audience that he doesnt want to be
involved however the nature of the text that he received hints that he may feel
forced into doing this. This is probably how many young adults feel when first joining
a gang as there is a lot of pressure on them to do things.

The fact that our production stars a young adult that is involved in gang culture may mean
that people in a similar situation are attracted to our piece. This is because some people
may be able to relate to our character as they are a similar age, gender etc. If a person can
relate to the character it may mean that they enjoy the production much more.
Our production represents the social group of the youth in a variety of different ways. One
way that it does this is through our main characters dress sense. He is pictured wearing a
dark hoody, dark jeans and Nike trainers. We did lots of research into whether people
though that this was a good representation of a young gang member and the majority of
people agreed.
A further way that this social group is presented is through our use of props. The main
prop that he is pictured with is the gun. There is a lot of media attention involving gangs
and gun crime in the UK and we felt that this prop is also another way of representing this
certain social group. The next slide shows a few of the ways that we have tried to
represent this social group.
All of the things that I have spoken about help create a broad picture of a young adult that
is involved in gang warfare. Hopefully because of this many young people can relate to
this. We also hope that adults can relate as it may be their children involved.

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