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Well-being measures

If you would like to include a measure of well-being within your trial please contact Tessa
Peasgood at to discuss which measures might be most
appropriate for your needs.
We would encourage people to consider including the following single item, life satisfaction
question used in the Personal Wellbeing Inde, refer to the !ustralian "entre on #uality of
$ife for further details. This question %preferably included at the start of any questionnaire& is
comparable to other data.
'Thinking about your own life and personal circumstances, how satisfied are you with your life
as a whole('
+ , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 ,+
Web based resources
Australian Centre on Quality of Life
Inde of a few hundred quality of life and well-being related scales. This site gi7es a brief
description of the scale, along with key references to scale de7elopment and rele7ant
psychometric research.
Positive psychology Centre, University of Pennsylvania
8seful measures linked from this site include5
,. *atisfaction with $ife *cale %*W$*&
-. Psychological Well-being *cales
.. *ub9ecti7e :appiness *cale %*:*&
Authentic Happiness eb-site
*cales are a7ailable for self-completion, but key references and copy right information is
gi7en. *cales include those tapping into emotion, engagement, meaning and life satisfaction.
8seful measures a7ailable at this site include5
P!;!* %Positi7e and ;egati7e !ffect *chedule&
=ordyce <motions #uestionnaire
*atisfaction with $ife *cale
!pproaches to :appiness *cale
!ome idely used"recent measures
#ental health
Positive mental health
Warwick-<dinburgh >ental Well-being *cale %W<>W?*&
o http566www.healthscotland.com6documents6,/12.asp
o still under de7elopment and psychometric testing
o currently ,/ positi7ely worded items, each with 0 response categories
o co7ers most aspects of positi7e mental health %positi7e thoughts and feelings&
currently in the literature, including both hedonic and eudaimonic
#ental health scales, used ithin !W$ literature
o http566www.webpoll.org6psych6@:#,-.htm
o originally consisting of 1+ questions about mild somatic and psychological
symptoms, later condensed to .+- and ,--item questionnaires
Patient :ealth #uestionnaire %P:#-4& #uick )epression scale
"enter for <pidemiologic *tudies )epression *cale %"<*-)&
o http566www.chcr.brown.edu6pcoc6cesdscale.pdf
o -+-item scale, / response options based on frequency of eperiencing
specified emotional states during the last week
o scored from + to 1+

#easures of affect
P!;!* %Positi7e and ;egati7e !ffect *chedule&
o ,+ positi7e affects %interested, ecited, strong, enthusiastic, proud, alert,
inspired, determined, attenti7e, and acti7e& and ,+ negati7e affects
%distressed, upset, guilty, scared, hostile, irritable, ashamed, ner7ous, 9ittery,
and afraid&
o participants are asked to rate items on a scale from , to 0
o summed scores for each scale 1-.+
?radburnAs !ffect ?alance scale
o ,+-item rating scale containing fi7e statements reflecting positi7e feelings and
fi7e statements reflecting negati7e feelings
o Bespondents are asked by an inter7iewer to focus on feelings during the past
few weeks and indicate a positi7e %yes& or negati7e %no& response to each of
the scale items
o Positi7e affect is obtained by summing the 0 positi7e questions %scale of + to
0& and negati7e affect by summing the negati7e questions. !ffect ?alance
*cale is scored by subtracting the negati7e from the positi7e and adding a
constant of 0 to a7oid negati7e 7alues
<perience *ampling >ethod %<*>&
o http566www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go76pubmed6.100223
o *ub9ects carry a beeper de7ice that signals randomly. <ach time the beeper
acti7ates, sub9ects fill out a sur7ey that typically includes questions asking
what the sub9ect was doing, who they were with, and how the sub9ect was
feeling at the time of the alarm
)ay Beconstruction >ethod %Cahneman and Creuger&
o http566sitemaker.umich.edu6norbert.schwarD6files6drmEdocumentationE9ulyE-+
o a hybrid approach in which respondents first re7i7e memories of the pre7ious
day by

constructing a diary consisting of a sequence of episodes. Then

describe each episode by answering questions about the

situation and about
the feelings that they eperienced, as in

eperience sampling
Life satisfaction
*ingle item
Wording can 7ary
?:P* wording,06oindresp,1.p
)efra wording
>ultiple item
o *atisfaction with $ife *cale %*W$*&
0 item questionnaire, each with 2 response scales
this scale has been etended to incorporate a time dimension by the
Temporal *atisfaction With $ife *cale %T*W$*&
o @lobal #uality of $ife !ssessment
)omain satisfactions and domain-weighted life satisfaction
!ustralian Personal Well-?eing Inde %PWI&
o includes a school and pre-school 7ersion
%eeds based, flourishing and multi-dimensional measures of ell-being
?asic Psychological ;eeds *cale %)eci H Byan&
o http566www.psych.rochester.edu6*)T6measures6needsEscl.html
o =amily of scales, one that addresses needs satisfaction in general in ones
life, others than address needs satisfaction in specific domains %e.g. work,
o Griginal scale had -, items concerning needs for competence, autonomy and
o *ome studies work with only 4 items %. for each dimension&
!pproaches to :appiness %GT:& *cale
o life of meaning %1 questions&, life of pleasure %1 questions&, life of
engagement %1 questions&
o each with the response scale5 , 'Iery much unlike me' to 0 'Iery much like
o scoring for each dimension is the a7erage of the 1 questions
W:G-#G$ %,++ H ?B<=&
o http566www.who.int6substanceEabuse6researchEtools6whoqolbref6en6
o W:G-#G$ aimed to be an international cross-culturally comparable quality of
life assessment instrument
o W:G#G$-?B<= instrument comprises -1 items, which measure the
following domains5 physical health, psychological health, social relationships,
and en7ironment
o the a7erage of each domain is taken, gi7ing a profile of / separate domain
Psychological Well-?eing *cales %ByffAs&
o si dimensions5 autonomy, positi7e relations with others, purpose in life, self-
acceptance, en7ironmental mastery and personal growth
o the original scale had -+ items contained within each of the 1 dimensions.
This has been reduced to ,/ items per dimension, and more recently . items
per dimension
o http566www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go76pubmed6,-220.44
o #uality of life inde for older people, de7eloped from a needs based
o ,4 item $ikert scaled inde
o questions on / domains5 "ontrol, !utonomy, *elf-realisation and Pleasure
o sum of all items %+ to 02&
<uropean *ocial *ur7ey. >odule on well-being
a wide range of questions on feelings and functionings
Health-utility measures
<#-0) is a standardised instrument for use as a measure of health outcome
The <#-0) consists of -/. distinct health states across fi7e dimensions %mobility,
self-care, usual acti7ities, pain6discomfort and aniety6depression&, each with three
le7els %no problem, moderate problem and se7ere problem&
The <#-0) is often administered with a Iisual !nalogue *cale %I!*& or Kfeeling
thermometerA requiring a direction 7aluation of the indi7idualAs health on a scale from
worst health imaginable to best imaginable
8tility 7alues for each state ha7e been elicited from respondents using the <#-0)
I!* technique in 3 <uropean countries, and the TTG method has been used to elicit
7alues for 0 countries )enmark, @ermany, Japan, *pain and the 8C
The scoring algorithm, or social tariff, for the 8C is based on preferences of a random
sample of non-institutionalised adults throughout the 8C %)olan, ,442&, using the
Time Trade Gff %TTG& method. <uro#ol 7alues are anchored by K,A representing full
health and K+A representing the state KdeadA with states Kworse than deathA bounded by
The *=-1) is a classification for describing health deri7ed from a selection of *=-.1
The *=-1) is composed of si multi-le7el dimensions. !ny patient who completes the
*=-.1 or the *=-,- can be uniquely classified according to the *=-1)
The *=-1) describes ,3,+++ health states in total
The *=-1) comes with a set of preference weights obtained from a sample of the
general population using the recognised 7aluation technique of standard gamble.
>embers of the general population were asked to 7alue a selection of health states
from which a model has been estimated to predict all the health states described by
the *=-1)
!n inter7iewer-administered general health related quality of life questionnaire
measuring symptoms, mobility, physical acti7ity and social acti7ity
*cores can be translated into utility 7alues for quality of ad9usted life years. ! set of
7alues for the #W? were deri7ed using a I!* approach %anchored at K+A for
death6worst possible and K,++A for optimum health& among a random sample of /.0
<nglish-speaking residents in *an )iego, "alifornia %*ieber et al., -++/&
:8I- and :8I.
The :ealth 8tilities Inde %:8I& has two 7ersions, :8I- and :8I. %=eeny et al., ,440&
:8I. defines -/,+++ health states using se7en attributes %sensation, mobility,
emotion, cognition, self-care, pain and fertility& with three to fi7e le7els per attribute
:8I- defines 41+,+++ health states using eight attributes %7ision, hearing, speech,
ambulation, deterity, emotion, cognition and pain& with fi7e to si le7els per attribute
?oth the :8I- and :8I. can be administered with a ,0 item questionnaire
The :8I. scoring function is based on preference measurements obtained from a
small random sample of the general population in :amilton, Gntario, "anada, using
*tandard @amble %*@& estimated from transformed I!*
8C 7aluation of the :8I-5

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