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Jerra Ewing

Narrative Part 1
P.2 Day 2

Crow, Crow, Crow
The chicken next door continued to crow, dawn cresting over the horizon. The sun peeked over
the hill and shone through the cracks of my door. It pierced my eyes, forcing me awake. I begrudgingly
do so, and roll off the table in a groggy, clouded state of mind. There, that woke me up. I thought. The
creaking of the boards straining to hold their place kept me on task, that is, stumbling towards the
chamber pots and wash bin. The lukewarm water comes as refreshing against the arid, blazing, and
humid atmosphere. I shrug on my one shirt, yellowed from use, pull up my pants, and head out the
The air and sun hit me like a boat, other words, hard. The shouts of vendors, smell of sea salt
and spices, the taste of rum in mouth, those are the senses of Aksum. I saunter off my boat, well, not a
boat. I own a dinghy, where I do assorted jobs to bring in some coin. I mainly ship cargo around the
Eastern African Coast, and I have seen some strange things. I have shipped exotic fruit, cadavers, silk,
and even Ivory, which was the highest paying job. Usually, I am forced to scrub the docks of larger,
ocean-faring ships, and run errands for the wealthy just to get by in my meager boat.
The people all think Im a slave, but thats okay.
I reach the end of the dock, hop down, and start towards the bazaar, hoping to find a job and
quick breakfast. Along the way I spot some Spare change hanging out of a loose pocket, and help
myself to it.
That should do for a bowl of soup, I hope
I spot some of my former employers, but they have no work for me. I check on my ad I made out
of scraps of papyrus, but find it buried under rubbish. A messenger boy had started to shout, so I head
over towards the center to find out more. The boy speaks of King Ezana, who wants to talk to the people
now. I am bored with politics, so I pass and continue on my way to get some breakfast. I squeeze
through the rank crowds, who shove me around. I turn the corner to the cheapest soup stand I know
and *Boom* *crash* *Smack*

Uhh, for the love of- aiuhfiuh
Jerra Ewing
Narrative Part 1
P.2 Day 2

This is the second time I have woken up today, only this time, its in an alley
A '
I awake, only to find myself next to a spilled chamber pot and rats. I stand up, and regain my
senses, only to find that my shirt and change have been lifted off of me.
Angry, I storm out of the alley, wanting to go home. I stop, fir the Kings call has begun, so I walk
and squeeze in the middle of the crowd to get a better view. The King has someone, a man clothed in
white and holds up a wooden thing
The crowd disappeared, all thinking the same thing; Why?. I strolled back to my boat,
pondering the words that the strange man said. If there really was one God, could he save me from my
mundane, lowly life? Could all of my misgivings could have been righted in the world? I do not know. I
continue to walk through the now empty Bazaar. The streets, quiet save for a few children, glows
mellow orange of the sunset. I jump on my boat, shut the door, and call it a night.
The next day came as a welcome, for there was a new me. I received a shipping job that
was my biggest yet, bought some new clothes, and ate a full breakfast. There really was a God, right
above me, helping me. For now I must dedicate my time to preach in His name, in His glory. I walk to the
nearest monastery, and become a monk. I repent all of my sins, give up all my worldly possessions, in
His name. I am happy, and at peace.

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