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Dear Parent or Guardian,

My name is Cole Smith, I am a senior history and secondary education major at Loras
College, and during this spring semester, I will be student teaching at West Dubuque High
School. I am paired with Mr. Paul Cleary, where I will be teaching World History and
Psychology. As a student teacher, I will slowly enter the lesson planning and teaching aspect of
each class more and more as the semester goes on and by the middle of the semester, I will be
taking over teaching full-time for both the World History and Psychology courses. Mr. Cleary
will be assisting my progression within my student teaching throughout the semester and I am
excited to begin my journey into the teaching profession with your son/daughter within my time
here at Western Dubuque High School.
As I grow as a teacher within my experiences as a student teacher, I am sure to make
some mistakes with teaching and classroom management. The structure, expectations, and
objectives that Mr. Cleary has within his classroom are still going to be in place as I begin to take
over the classroom. I, as well as Mr. Cleary, expect the highest effort and participation out of
your son/daughter, and with their utmost effort and participation, my experience and growth as a
student teacher will match that of your son/daughter, which will ultimately be exponential.
If there are any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me at
my email Cole.Smith@Loras.Edu, which is the most efficient way to reach me. At the bottom of
this letter, there is a signature and date space. If you, the parent or guardian, could sign and date
this letter to signify that you read this and understand the outline of my presence and
involvement within your childs classroom. Your participation is extremely appreciated and I
look forward to getting to know your son/daughter as well as getting to know the way things are
done are at Western Dubuque High School. Finally, and most importantly, Go Bobcats!

Thank you,

Mr. Cole T. Smith

Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________ Date: __________________

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