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Entre Pares Coln

Sede: Colegio Jos Guardia Vega

Formato de planeacin de la actividad de Aprendizaje
Nombre Laura Del C. Rodrguez
Provincia Coln Colegio/ Esc. C.E.B.G. El Jiral

reas de
contenido: Area #1

(Technology /Commerce)


Ficha tcnica de la Actividad de Aprendizaje

Tema: Comercial

Autor(a):Laura Del C. Rodrguez


Descripcin: The students going to make an infomercial
about a new product your classmates use at home and
create an storyboard about the infomercial also they invite
other students from school to watch the infomercials.

Nivel escolar: Elementary school

Grado: VI

Objetivo General: To develop the four skills listening,
Reading, writing and speaking using their creativity to
create an infomercial.

Recursos: I nternet, computer, sheets, pencil, Time for
learning book and pen.

Aplicaciones: Power point and Microsoft word

Fuentes de consulta: nfomercial nfomercial

Tiempo: one week

Ubicacin en el programa de estudios: English

Palabras Clave:

Fecha de creacin:28/4/14

Fecha de actualizacin:
Entre Pares Coln

Sede: Colegio Jos Guardia Vega

Ttulo del Proyecto

Infomercial about a New Product


To create an infomercial using their ideas and creativity.
To apply grammar rules and pronunciation rules.
To report other groups infomercials.

Situacin de

This Project is necessary to help the students to increase their
knowledge and develop their skills in order to learn English and use
their creativity to create an infomercial.

generadora y
Preguntas Guas

Why do people need this product?

What your role in the infomercial is?
What do you want to do in the infomercial?

Producto principal

At the end of this Project the students are able to speak fluently and
pronounce the words in a correct way in order to learn English.

Actividades del Proyecto

I NI CI O: Work with your group and plan an infomercial about your
classmates can use at home. Answer the questions on page B and draw a
picture of the product:
a. Discuss what the infomercial is about. Example: Its a funny
infomercial about a new product that
b. Why do people need this product? Example: To clean their
c. Discuss what your role in the infomercial is. What would rather
d. What do you want to do in the infomercial? Example: I want to


DESARROLLO: Create the storyboard of your infomercial on page c. You
need to draw each step. I llustrate what you and your partner do.
a. Whats the beginning of the infomercial like?
b. What do say next?
c. What do you need to make it more interesting?
d. How does it end?

Write down the script of your infomercial on page D. I nclude both
dialogues. Explain each step in your own words. I f possible, record your

CI ERRE: Watch and report other groups infomercials. Invite other
students from school to watch the infomercials. On page D create an
a. What were the products used for?
b. What were they made of?
c. How did you like the infomercials?



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