American Beauty Annotated Bib

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Finkel, Eli J. "The All-or-Nothing Marriage." The New York Times.

The New York Times, 15

Feb. 2014. Web. 04 May 2014.
Through this article we see the different paths that marriage has taken over the last century. We
see how these different eras have mirrored Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. We also see how we
may be demanding too much from our marriages today when we do not have enough time to
cater to them. This article is useful for looking a different perspective as to why divorce rates are
so high today, and why our marriages are failing.

Weed, William S. "Yale Alumni Magazine: Why We Hate (Sept/Oct 2004)."Yale Alumni
Magazine: Why We Hate (Sept/Oct 2004). Yale Alumni Publications, Inc., n.d.Web. 04 May
This article delves into why we hate and the many emotions that go into the process of hatred.
We see the triangulation of hate, Cool Hate, Cold Hate, Hot Hate, and the several components
that go into each. We view the type of hate divorcees have for one another, road rage, hatred for
terrorists, prejudice, and so on. We also see how this hate affects out society, as well as global

The New Era of Positive Psychology. Perf. Martin Seligman. TED. TED Talk, Feb. 2004. Web.
04 May 2014
This video demonstrates the marks made in Positive Psychology today, and why it is vital for
providing progress in psychology for the future. It also demonstrates three different types of lives
and what they each mean to us. From Pleasurable Life, Good Life, and Meaningful Life, we can
mark where we stand within our development as human beings.

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