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Debarati Dutta
ENOL 110 1: Mid- Semester Writing
MidSemester Writing Prompt
(Based on Guafong Li's "Family Literacy: Learning from an Asian Immigrant Family)
The fol1owing writing prompt is based on Guafong Li's literacy research on Yang Li.
At the time of the research study, Yang Li was 5years old and lived in a crowded apartment complex
with his parents. To complete this ethnography ( ethnography is any research based on a systematic
observation of humans in their natural settings), the researcher visited Yang Li' s apartment and observed
the young boy's literacy habits and practices over a period of 8months. During this time, the researcher
also talks toYang Li's parents and collects samples of Yang Li's work ( both drawings and writing). The
researcher then uses conceptual tools developed by Leseman and de Jong to study the various aspects of
Yang Li's literacy: ( 1) literacy opportunity, ( 2) literacy instruction, ( 3 ) cooperation, and ( 4) socio-
emotional quality.
Begin your essay by offering working definitions of the above- mentioned terms. Use examples from the
reading or your own experiences to further explain what you understand by literacy opportunity,
instruction, cooperation, and socio- emotional quality.
Once you have done this, choose anyone domain from the four primary literacy domains in your life:
home, institution, community, and work. Using the conceptual tools developed by Leseman and de Jong,
analyze the literacy environment in your chosen domain. For example, if you decide to explore the
literacy environment in your workplace, you may want to think about what kind of literacies develop in
that domain. You may also want tothink about the various literacy opportunities available at your
workplace ( the various kinds of print materials read and circulated, etc.), literacy instruction ( the kind of
instruction that is provided to you and your peers), the socio- emotional dimension at your workplace,
and the nature of cooperation between the various members in your work community ( between the
employerlhoss and the employees, between the employees, between the experienced workers and the
new hires, etc.)
There is no fixed format or page length for this piece of writing. Since you have several days to
complete your response, I hope that your submission will reflect thoughtfulness and complexity
and that you will not only try to fmish the assignment but also gobeyond it to make us think and
learn. You may embed pictures or multimedia files ( todo so, use the " Insert" function on MS
Word) tohelp you deepen the meaning of your alphabetical text.
Submission Guidelines
All submitted work t;Uustbe typed.
Save your finished work with the following file name: Your full name_Mid- Semester_ Writing
( example: Ximin_Zhao_ Mid- Semester_ Writing).
E- mail your work as an attachment.
Your work is due before class begins on ...;r- :.
not meet the required guidelines will not be accepted.
Late work or work that does

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