Eng Port10

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Deba ra ti llJtta
Litera cy Bhnogra phy: Assignment Sheet
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o- Litera cy Ethnogra phy: Assignment Sheet
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A literacy ethnography Is not the same a s a literacy memoir or narrative. a.literacy ethnography is a
systematic exploration or analysis of an individual or community's literacy practices and
behaviors. It is story-telling through research.
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Uteracyethnographies do not have to be purely alphabetical; ypu can use images and other
l71..ultlmediatexts to examine your literacy practices and development.
Be adventurous. Try something new. Leam something.
The fina l dra ft of your litera cy ethnogra phy or ethnogra phy proposa l is due in your
Plea se uploa d your ethJ 'logra phy or proposa l in the "Product' section of your portfolio.
Any process work tha t you do for the ethnogra phy prolec t must be igcluded i!nth~
"process sectig~
Your Assignment
For your litera cy ethnogra phy, you will (1) design a nd (2) conduct a n ethnogra phic study to
explore a ny significa nt a spect of your litera te life in a pa rticula r doma in (home, institution,
community & neighborhood, or workpla ce).
To complete the a ssignment, you will ha ve to do some of the following:
(1) Understa nd wha t ethnogra phy is a nd wha t ethnogra phers do;
(2) Understa nd wha t a litera cy ethnogra phy is a nd in wha t wa ys it is different from
a litera cy memoir or na rra tive;
(3) Identify wha t you wa nt to explore a bout your own litera cy or litera cies;
(4) Design a study tha t will help you explore wha t you chose to focus on. It ma y be
useful to keep in mind tha t designing your ethnogra phy is like pla nning a la b experiment:
You will ha ve to figure out wha t you need to study, how you wa nt to study your chosen
subject, a nd the va rious tools a nd resources you ha ve a nd/or need to move forwa rd
with your study;
(5) Document your findings a s you move forwa rd with your ethnogra phy. This process
of documenta tion ma y involve note- ta king, journa ling, ta king pictures, recording
interviews, video- ta ping. , etc. Some of these process documents must be
included i:nthe "Process" section of your portfolio;
(6) Dra fting/composing your litera cy ethnogra phy. Some of these dra fts must be
included in the "Process" section of your portfolio;
(7) Sha ring your ethnogra phy in your fina l portfolio. Your fina l ethnogra phy must be
included in the "Product" section of your portfolio.

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