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Experiment No.

To verify the law of moment by using Bell Crank Lever.
Bell crank lever apparatus, slotted weight, spring balance etc.
What is a Lever: Lever is a simple machine consisting of a rigid rod pivoted at a fixed
point called the fulcrum used for shifting or raising a heavy load or applying force.
The lever principle states that Power*power arm = Weight*weight arm.
The distance of power applied from the fulcrum is called Power rm and the distance of
load !weight" from fulcrum is called weight or load arm. To arrange a lever so that a small
effort would lift a big load the effort arm must be as long as possible and the load arm as
short as possible.
#xamples of lever are $cissors, %heelbarrow, &ore arm, claw hammer to draw a nail,
sugar tongs, boat oars, nut crackers ,can openers , bottle openers ,etc.
Three classes of levers:
First order lever. Like a see-saw or balance, the load and the force are seperated by the fulcrum. As one
moves up the orther moves down. The amount and the strength of the movement is proportianal to the
distance from the fulcum. eg. $ee $aw, Beam balance, Pair of scissors, etc.
Second order lever. wheel barrow is a second order lever. 'ere the load is between the force and
the fulcrum. eg. (ut crackers, %heelbarrow , &ishing rods ,etc.
Third order lever.
Here the force is between the fulcrum and the load. Mechanical advantage is reduced but the
movement at the load point is increased.
Principle of levers:-
The lever principle can be stated as:
Load x Length of load arm= Force x Length of force arm

Bell Crank Lever: lever that is bent at a right angle, is called a bell crank lever. By
varying the angle of the crank piece, it can be used to change the angle or movement from )
degree to )*+ degrees.
,t is one of a type of lever. ,t can be used to change the amount, the strength and the
direction of moment.
The fixed point of the lever about which it moves is known as the fulcrum.
,t is used to convert the direction of reciprocating moment. By varying the angle of the
crank piece it can be used to change the angle of moment from ) degree to )*+ degrees.
ccording to law of moments the moment of a force about an axis is e-ual to the sum of
moment of its component about the same axis.

'ere in this experiment we have to check the moment of a force about the various point
on the lever and that moment must be e-ual to the spring force multiplied by the fixed
distance d. The distance d in this experiment is fixed and e-ual to seven inch.
$o we have to verify
.oment . / % 0 1 / s 0 d
%here % / force applied on lever
1 / varying distance on lever
$ / spring force
nd d / fixed distance ! 203.45/)2.2* mm "
). The chain of spring balance was connected with the lever.
3. The weight was hanged on the end point marked on the lever.
6. The pointer was checked to match with the mark on the lever. ! ,f point is not matching
then ad7ust the weight to get the correct reading."
5. The spring reading was noted down.
4. The position of weight to be hanged on the lever was changed and the above steps were
8. Ten readings were taken.

$.(o. % !kg" 1 !mm" ./%01 $pring &orce
!observed" !kg&"
$pring &orce
; error
) +.634 6+5.* <<.+8 .8 .44 *.6
3 +.684 32<.5 )+).<* .8 .42 4
6 +.5)4 345.+ )+4.5) .8 .4< ).8
5 +.544 33*.8 )+5.+) .8 .4* 6.6
4 +.4+4 3+6.3 )+3.8) .8 .42 4
8 +.834 )22.* ))).)3 .8 .83 6.6
2 +.324 6+5.* *6.*3 .4 .52 8
* +.634 32<.5 <+.*+4 .4 .4) 3
< +.654 345.+ *2.86 .4 .5< 3
)+ +.6<4 33*.8 <+.3<2 .4 .4+2 ).5
1istance from fulcrum !d" / 2 inch / 2 = 3.45 cm / +.)22* m.
>sing .oment . / %=1 !?g@m"
Aalculated $pring &orce !$9" /
;#rror /

The observed value of spring force and calculated value of spring force came out to be
nearly same. The observed value agrees with the calculated value within the limits of
experimental error.
The law of moments gets verified for this bell@crank lever.
). The success of the experiment lies in making both the spring and lever arm horiContal as
well as matching the pointer with the mark on the lever, at exactly the same time. This is
possible only if the apparatus is ideal and is free from all arrangement errors.
3. The pointer may not be exactly vertical with respect to ground.
6. The spring pointer may be faulty.
5. $ome friction is always present between the hook of the spring and the chain.
4. The weights are discrete, not variable. $o it is possible that no exact reading may be taken
by the given weights.
). There should minimal disturbance as long as the pointer is concerned.
3. Dnly one person must take all the readings, because eye@7udgement for matching the
pointer with the mark on the lever will vary from individual to individual.
6. %eights should not touch the table.
5. dd weights in the hanger gently.
4. The pointer should exactly coincide with the mark on the bell crank lever.
8. The apparatus should be kept on smooth and leveled surface.
2. Proper lubrication of the 7oints of two arms of the lever should be done so as to reduce
frictional force.
#ngineering .echanics @ by E.?.Ea7put !Ahapter 6"
! (ote: ccording to railway officials, the $abarmati #xpress accident that took on 3) pril,3++4,
could have been caused by the failure of a B#LL AE(? L#F#E GHAlong with the 'human error',
railway officials point to a mechanical failure of a bell crank lever popularly known as the point on the

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