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/01203 Alex 8oLh

May 6, 2014 619-228-3233

(.//1 !4567#.8640 946:64 0. ;.<= >46?? -./@646/263
>A8<B2 C66=? 0. D/.: EF5 (AG1/B? E./H0 #6<61?6 #62.4=?

E;)*: Cpen-governmenL advocaLe (.//1 !456 wlll [oln ulsLrlcL ALLorney candldaLe 9.8
946:64 aL a press conference Loday Lo ask LhaL ulsLrlcL ALLorney 8onnle uumanls
release all lnLernal emalls and oLher publlc records LhaL could shed llghL on uumanls'
conducL ln Lhe 2007 SLeve CasLanada prosecuLlon.

A k8S sLory on Monday revealed Lhe exlsLence of lnLernal uA records LhaL uumanls had
prevlously clalmed dldn'L exlsL. uumanls has decllned wlLhouL [usLlflcaLlon Lo release
Lhese publlc records. 1he records could reveal wheLher uumanls unsuccessfully lobbled
Chula vlsLa's mayor Lo geL a uumanls alde appolnLed Lo Lhe Chula vlsLa ClLy Councll and
Lhen falled Lo dlsclose Lhls lnformaLlon when she launched a subsequenL lnvesLlgaLlon
lnLo Lhe enLlre clLy councll. lf uumanls dld lndeed fall Lo lnform Lhe lawyers ln Lhe
CasLanada case abouL her behlnd-Lhe-scenes lobbylng efforLs, she commlLLed, aL
mlnlmum, a serlous eLhlcal breach LhaL LalnLs Lhe case.

E;'C: *"()I, 1uesday, May 6
12:30 p.m.

E;'#': laza beLween Lhe new federal courLhouse and old federal courLhouse
ulrecLly across Lhe sLreeL from San ulego Pall of !usLlce
330 W. 8roadway, uownLown San ulego

E;": 9.8 946:64, CandldaLe for ulsLrlcL ALLorney
(.//1 !456, former San ulego ClLy Councllwoman
,06J6 -1?01/6=1, former Chula vlsLa ClLy Councllman
&142 -14<.?, aLLorney for Mr. CasLaneda

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