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Bui 1

Thuy Vy, Bui Nguyen

Professor Koning
Reflection 1
Americana Mall
My group will choose Americana mall as our space to talk about and we planted to go on
Saturday at 3pm to 7pm because this is the time when people start getting of from work or the
day to hang out with family and friends. Our purpose is to see how people think about choosing
Americana Mall as their places to relax, shopping and have fun on their weekends. We have
made a survey which includes question about: ages, where are the customers come from, the
reason why they come to Americana, how often do they come to Americana and why they
choose Americana over other shopping center. After reading Fortress Los Angles: The
Militarization of Urban Space written by Mike David, which is about how Los Angles divide,
treat people in different stage and how Los Angles separate the poor and slave with the healthier
people, I noticed that David said a lot about the history and how Los Angles was build; their
architecture, so my group is not only asking about how people feels about Americana but we
came to this mall aso too see it architecture and researching about its history. I think this will be
a great adventure, since this Saturday is the first time I came to America, it is my advantage to
started noticing how different this new mall in me compare to other mall that I have been too.
The ages of people that we are going to ask for their opinion are from 18 to 51 and above. We
choose to give survey because we are afraid people do not feel comfortable talking to us directly,
also it is hard to started a conversations with costumers while there are a lot of people going
Bui 2

around to advertise their shopping products. My group also plant to go around Americana from
the outside to see the environment of the area and if possible we will choose one more close by
place to ask about how they like the area or Americana. We chose to come to America from our
school, because it is easier for us to share about the environment from the area around it while
driving to America, how far it is, the difficulty of traffic.
To me it is good too chose a shopping center where people hanging out and have fun
because after writing Fortress Los Angles: The Militarization of Urban Space, I was thinking
of how depressive Los Angles was, because Mike David choose to talk about how the city
bristle with malice (154) and now Americana is a place to have fun. However I could see the
side that Mike David was talking about, which is how healthier people live come pare to the
poor; I want to see if Americana was build for more expensive sopping brand or they have many
type of shopping shop, beside shopping what else do they have for people in my different stage
to come enjoy; for example: the movie theater or food court.

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Works Cited
David, Mike. City of Quartz: Fortress Los Angeles: The Militarization of Urban Space
Variations on a Theme Park: The New American City and the End of Public Space. New
York: Hill and Wang. 1992. 154-180. January 01, 2013

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