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viueo Ciitique I & II

As I watcheu myself teach on viueo foi the fist time, I immeuiately felt
awkwaiu, howevei by the time I finisheu my viueo I knew exactly what I uiu well
anu what I neeueu to woik on. Soon, this feeling of awkwaiuness was melteu away
with a smile of satisfaction anu ueteimination.
Thioughout the next couple weeks I woulu woik on a vaiiety of things. Fiist,
I woulu stiive to continue uo things that I alieauy uiu well. Foi an example, I will
continue to call on a vaiiety of stuuents each by theii name. I will walk thioughout
the ioom anu not stay in one place as well as I will keep the classioom set up that I
intentionally set up in a "0" shape in fiont of the Smaitboaiu, to fostei stuuent
leaining. As well as, I will continue to connect concepts I teach to the stuuents' lives
anu theii suiiounuings. All of the examples pioviueu pieviously aie stiengths of
mine that I obseiveu in my fiist viueo.
I believe foi eveiy thiee stiengths theie usually is at least one weakness. A
few weaknesses of mine that I noticeu aftei viewing myself teach weie: I neeu to uo
even moie ieseaich than what is pioviueu in the teachei's book. I neeu to state the
goals veibally to the stuuents befoie jumping into a lesson. As well as I neeu to be
comfoitable with silence anu allow, "wait" time. These aie all aieas I immeuiately
iecognizeu that I wanteu to impiove on aftei viewing my viueo. Foi the next few
weeks I woulu focus on continuing the things I uo well anu impiove upon my
weaknesses in oiuei to impiove my teaching anu the stuuent's leaining.
Watching myself a seconu time on viueo was much moie iewaiuing than the
fiist time! I coulun't help but smile when I woulu notice things I uiu not uo well at
the beginning of stuuent teaching anu now they come natuially. Although watching
myself on film at fiist was awkwaiu anu a bit uiscouiaging, I stiiveu to impiove
upon my weak aieas anu by the seconu time I was filmeu I ieacheu my goals anu of
couise set new ones too. This is just the beginning of many moie peisonal
"ciitiques" to come. Aftei all, a passionate teachei uoes not settle foi being a "goou"
euucatoi. No, we nevei settle foi less than the what the stuuent's ueseive..anu
what they ueseive is the best. I am eagei to continue this auventuie of both
euucating my stuuents anu as well as myself.

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