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Name: Andrew Wright Date: 3/9/14

Health Education Lesson Plan Template

Grade: 9th

Health Unit/Theme: MEH

Health Topic: Self Esteem Media influence

Lesson #_7

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand the influences media have over them in terms of self-esteem and body image. And to see
how these feelings can influence decision making and emotional wellness.

Objective(s)/Benchmark: To be able to write a meaningful SMART Goal for their time in the course
The Students will be able to identify personal feelings on self- esteem.
The Students will be able to identify untrue media messages about appearance.

National/State/District Health Standard(s): 2,1,5,6,7,8
(This lesson teaches to which national/state/district health standard?)

(Explain how many minutes will each component of your lesson will take.)

Materials: Smart Goal worksheet
Photo shopped images of attractive peoples, and other images, YouTube clip about Nick Vujicic, Barbie images, survey
Hang up images around the classroom and make survey.

Facilitating the Lesson/Activity

Time: Step by Step Lesson Design: Resources Needed:
10:00-10:05 Thumbs up/ Thumbs Down; To start class have students put their
heads down so they are unable to see classmates. Have the students
put their thumb up if they can think of two or things they like about
themselves. Then, have the students put their thumbs up if they
think everyone in class including themselves is special.
10:10-10:20 Hand out self-esteem/ body image survey. Have students fill out
survey and return to your desk when finished.
Attached anonymous survey.
10:20-10:30 Media influence- hang up a number of images of photo shopped or
touched up photos around the room. Also hang up images of
normal untouched photos (far less). Break up into groups of 4 and
assign groups to tally the number of photos they see as attractive.
Bring groups back together and share the number of photo shopped
photos and compare tallied numbers.
Photos- magazine or internet
10:30-10:35 The new Barbie: Show students an image of what Barbies looked
like when they were a child and growing up. Discuss possible
issues with original measurements and show image of what real life
Barbie looks like. finally show what changes have been made to
Barbie. Real life Barbie and ken
Image of New and old Barbie/ real life Barbie
measurements-real life ken
10:35-10:43 Show video about Nick Vujicic No arms No Legs No worries:
discuss how this effects your own view of personal self-esteem and
body image
Youtube clip
10:43-10:45 While video is playing and photo activities is being done record the
3 or 4 highest recorded survey answers and post them on the board.
Show what issues students and classmates are having about image.

Checking for Understanding:
Students can Identify that Health risks associated with body image issues by discussing why real life Barbie is unhealthy.
Formative/Authentic Assessment: Smart goal homework assignment
Authentic assessment/ See if students can figure out why body image is misleading in the media and select mainly realistic photos as attractive.
Hand out homework to identify and describe 5 ads that show poor display of body image

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