Application For A Permit For Residence or Work: 1 Your Personal Details

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3 Information about previous stays in Norway

Have you stayed in Norway previously? If yes, state when and for how long
Have you previously applied for a residence permit in Norway? If yes, state the reason
Have you been expelled from Norway previously? If yes, does the prohibition on entry still apply?

Yes No

Tourism Work Other. Specify

Yes No

Yes No

No Yes (please enclose separate application form for lifting of the
GP-7028 E January 1, 2010
2 Identity / travel documents
Travel document Travel/identity document number Valid until (day/month/year)
Country of issue Issuing authority
Specify any other persons who are entered in the travel document. Use a separate sheet if necessary.
If you do not have a travel document, you can state other documents that give information about your identity, for example national identity card.
Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Passport from country of origin
Travel warrant, immigrants passport or similar
No travel document
Application for a permit for residence or work
Complete one form per applicant, even though the applicant is under the age of 18 or has been placed under guardianship. Write in
block capitals, and complete all sections concerning you (the applicant) and your reason for applying for a permit. If your application
lacks information, the case processing time may be longer.
Place of application (stamp of police district or Foreign Service
Date Fee paid NOK
DUF number

1 Your personal details (write your name as it appears in your travel document)
Date of birth (day/month/
Place of birth Country of birth Ethnicity
Mother tongue Other languages you speak
Gender Profession Citizenship (specify all)
Family name First name
Middle name If applicable, previous name/ surname
Marital status Place and date of last change in marital status

Single Married/ civil partner Cohabitant Separated Divorced Widow/widower

Male Female
Alternative address if the answer to the application is to be sent
another place
Postcode/Town Country
Address in Norway where you live or will live (street) Postcode Town
Telephone number in Norway Day/month/year of arrival in Norway Day/month/year of entry into the Schengen
Address at home Postcode Town
Country Telephone number at home E-mail address
prohibition on entry)
page 1
Fill in the / those sections that correspond to your reason for the application
4 The permit you apply for
This application is for a
How long do you want the permit to last? From date To date

First-time permit Renewal
Postcode Town Norwegian personal ID number (if applicable)
Telephone number Cell phone number E-mail address
Date of birth (day/month/year) Place of birth Country of birth Mother tongue
Gender Citizenship (specify all)
Will you live at the same address (in the same household) for the whole period of the permit?
For frst-time application: Will you be supported by the person living in Norway? For renewal: Are you supported by the person living in Norway?

Yes No, explain:

Yes No, for the following reason:
Have you been married previously? If yes: When (year)? For how long were you married?
When applying for a residence permit to get married in Norway:
Please note the date the marriage or partnership is to take place.
Who were you married to?

Yes No
A Permit for family migration (including parental visits up to 9 months)
Relation to you
Spouse/ partner
Biological child
Adopted child
Foster child
Foster mother
Foster father
Biological/adoptive mother
Biological/adopive father
Fill in information about the person you apply for a permit in family immigration with.
Family name First name
Middle name If applicable, previous name/surname

Male Female
page 2
Have there been any changes to your working situation since your previous application, for example new employer or percentage of full-time

No Yes, please complete the section below for frst time application or changed working situation
For renewal
Number of years:
Length of education Which professional areas/felds are you qualifed in? Accomplished degree
Do you have relevant work experience?
Primary school
Upper secondary school, vocational
Upper secondary school, general subjects
Supplement to upper secondary education
University or college

No Yes (remember to enclose documentation)
Employer (company name or host family) Company registration number
Address Postcode and town
For frst-time application or changed working situation
Telephone number E-mail address Wage (in NOK)
Type of work (job title or key task) Percentage of full-time

100 % Other: %
B Permit for work (including au pair and trainees)

Yes No
Are you following a normal study progression? Are you continuing your education at the same institution as before?
For renewal

Yes No
C The reason for the permit is to study
Place of study/educational institution Company registration number
Subject/feld of study Length of study/education
Telephone number E-mail address Name of organisation that arranged your studies/school
place, where applicable
Funding of stay School fees (amount per term)

Own means Grant Other (explain):
From month/year: To month/year:
For frst time application or new place of study
D Protection or other kind of permit
Are you going to renew the permit you have? Are you applying for a permit on new grounds?
The reason for your permit:

Yes No
Protection (asylum)
Permit on strong humanitarian grounds
Other, explain:

Yes No
5 Time spent abroad (must be completed if you are applying for renewal of your permit)
Include all foreign trips you have made in the past year, counting back 12 months from the application date (todays date). Enter the trips in
chronological order, starting with the least recent. Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Date of departure from Norway
Date entered Norway
Numbers of days away Country visited Reason for the trip

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private

Business Private
A Permit for family migration (including parental visits up to 9 months)
page 3
Have you been charged with a criminal offence?
If yes, in which police district/country?
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence in Norway or abroad?
If yes, when and where were you convicted?
Type of offence
Have you served the sentence/paid the fne (or is the probation period over)?

Yes No

Yes No, explain:

Fine (amount): Prison (days):
- not older than two years - Conditional prison. Not older than fve years.
- Unconditional prison. Not older than 10 years.
7 Criminal offences
The Immigration Act requires that there are no circumstances that give grounds to deny you access to Norway, or a permit to live or work here.
Such grounds may include convictions for criminal offences. If you have been charged, the Directorate of Immigration can wait until the matter
has been clarifed to process your application.
6 Family members (also list family members who do not apply for a residence permit)
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country) Gender
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country) Gender

Male Female

Also applying

Also applying Male Female
If you have given this information in previous applications, you do not have to complete this section. However, if other family members are
submitting an application at the same time as you, you should specify this below. Note that each family member must submit their own
application form.
The information you give here have a bearing on future applications for you or your family members. You therefore need to be careful to
complete this section fully. Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Spouse/partner/cohabitant (if you are married to several people, give details on a separate sheet)
Address Postcode/-place Country
Family name, frst name Date of birth (day/month/year) Gender

Also applying Male Female
Other close relatives
Specify all children C (biological and adopted children), foster children F, siblings S. Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Number of children Number of sisters Number of brothers Number of siblings residing in
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country) Kjnn
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country)
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country)
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country)
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country)
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country)
Family name, frst name Date of birth Resident of (country)

Male Female

Also applying

Male Female

Also applying

Male Female

Also applying

Male Female

Also applying

Male Female

Also applying

Male Female

Also applying

Male Female

Also applying
8 Power of attorney
Representatives family name, frst name
Representatives address Postcode Town Country
Telephone number Cell phone number E-mail address
I give the following person power of attorney to act on my behalf in connection with my application.
I am aware that correspondence from the immigration authorities will be sent to my representative, and that my representative will have
access to my case.
I am aware that my representative will be notifed of the decision instead of me.

Yes No
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10 Where the applicant is a child/minor
All children capable of forming their own views, who are affected by a decision under the Immigration Act, are entitled to be informed about
and express an opinion on the case. Children who are capable of doing so must sign the application. Parent/guardian must consent if you
(the applicant) are a minor. If parental responsibility is shared, both parents must consent if the applicant is a child under the age of 18.
Place and date Parent/guardians signature
Place and date Parent/guardians signature
Remarks from the police/Foreign Service mission
Has the child been told what the application
relates to?
Has the child been given the opportunity to
give an opinion?
Has an interview/talk been held with the child?

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No
The information will be registered in the computer system for immigrant and refugee cases (DUF).This information may also be used in relation
to later applications and applications from family members.
Your information may be passed on to other relevant authorities in order to check and obtain more details of the information you have given.
Where necessary, information about you will also be collected from other Norwegian and foreign authorities, including the police. This will not
be carried out where consideration for your safety so determines. If you are granted a permit, information on this will be entered in the National
Population Register.
It is a punishable offence to give materially incorrect or clearly misleading information, including omission of information of material signifcance.
In addition to criminal charges, breach of the Immigration Act or the Norwegian Penal Code may lead to rejection or expulsion and registration
in the Schengen Information System (SIS). Any permit granted based on incorrect or incomplete information may be withdrawn.
I hereby confrm that the information given in this application is correct and complete.
Place and date Your signature
9 Signature

I am aware that correspondence from the immigration authorities will be sent to my representative, and that my representative will have
access to my case.
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