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Unit Overview
Second Grade Economics
By Tara Westrate (2013)
This unit was written for second grade students. The unit introduces the difference
between a good and service and then focuses on how those goods and services are categorized
into either being a human, natural, or capital resource. The students will be asked then to be able
to tell the sequence of distribution of these goods and services offered in their own community
and neighborhoods. The first lesson helps students gain an understanding on identifying goods
and services in their own community as well as understanding how these two terms are different.
Lesson two and three help the students be able to understand that goods and services can be
placed into categories known as human, natural and capital resources.
The concepts in the unit will be taught using a variety of materials and hands on
experiences. Students will be expected to work together, participate in all activities, watch
informational videos, and present their work and findings to the class. The lesson I have created
were created and designed to cater a variety of learning styles as well as include multiple
intelligences. The lessons can be modified to meet certain learners needs.
State of Michigan Content Standards
EC2:1-Describe and explain how individuals and families prioritize needs and wants and how
they are provided in the neighborhood and community by business and or government.
E1.0.4- Describe the natural, human, and capital resources needed for production of a good or
service in a community
Goals/Learning Targets
Unit Goals
TLW list goods and or services provided by the businesses in the community to meet the
needs and wants of their customers

TLW understand the people have to make choices about what goods and services will
satisfy their needs and wants.
TLW understand the difference between human, natural, and capital resources
TLW be able to identify which resources are needed to produce a good or service

Unit Objectives
TLW will create a Venn diagram comparing human, natural, and capital resources

TLW demonstrate their understanding of goods and services by completing a sorting

TLW make a poster identifying what a capital is by illustrating the goods needed

TLW will make lemonade and sort the ingredients in order to identify the goods, services,
human, natural, and capital resources.

Subject Integration
I have incorporated subject integration in my unit by having my second graders be
exposed to writing in a variety of different forms in my social studies unit. My students also
enjoy singing and listening to music and this provides a great opportunity to integrate music as
well into my social studies unit.

Accommodation/Differentiation Strategies
The Differentiation strategies that I have utilized are in each of my lessons under the
Learn Styles and/ or Accommodations section. In this section of my lessons I included not only
remediation and extensions to meet the needs of my students, but I have also listed four different
learning styles to meet the needs of all learners. In order to take in all of my students individual
needs I have allowed students the opportunity to write more, less or write in complete sentences.
The unit will be taught during the last half hour of class before special. Each lesson plan I feel
has general accommodations that can be made to best fit the students in my second grade class.

Unit Time Span
Many of the lessons will take more than one class period to complete. The lessons
provided will be completed and taught in the order provided, over a course of two weeks. The
units sequence and time frame may change slightly to fit the learners needs.


Classroom Appearance Setup
Our Classroom will be decorated with many fun colored posters defining the terms being
learned throughout the unit as well as many pictures that will help the students be able to gain a
deeper understanding as well as be able to reference to while learning.
Affective Domain
The affected domain is taught to by creating an environment in which all the students feel
accepted and as though they will be successful in their learning experience (because they will
be!) Students throughout this unit will be receiving positive comments, reinforcement, and
constant guidance from the teacher as well as their own peers.
Global/ Multicultural
In my unit I have taken into account the different ethnicities in my classroom and have
tried to incorporate multiculturalism in all of my lessons as well as their activities.
Throughout my unit I utilized a variety of different technology pieces in order to enhance
students learning and increase their engagement in the lesson. For a number of my lessons
throughout my unit I used the document camera to show and model to students how certain
activities are to be done and completed as well as to show a short movie clip from discovery
education to touch on how goods, services and the three resources are different from one another.
Another way that I plan to use the document camera is to allow students to come up and share
their work with their classmates projecting their work on to the screen. I feel that this is a great
opportunity for students to become more engaged in their learning as well become confident in
the work they do throughout their education.
To begin my unit I plan on asking the students questions to gage what king of
understanding they have on the subject of economics specifically touching on goods, services,
human, natural, and capital resources. This will be done by having them just list or write a few
small sentences on what they know.
To finish the unit I have put together and modified Parkviews Assessment for teaching
economics. I have modified it to better fit the needs of my students while still fulfilling
Parkviews expectations.

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