MW Ts Research Project

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ENG 112

Summer 2014
Mrs. Holmes
Research Project

The culmination of your literary studies this semester will be a project that includes a topic
proposal, annotated bibliography, five-page researched argument, and a presentation. This project
will incorporate at least one text weve read, one literary theory weve studied, and five literary
terms (such as plot, tone, foil character, etc.). Feel free to use any of your earlier writings as starting
points for this project.

Ultimately, you will use a theoretical perspective (formalist, feminist, or historicist) with which
you will analyze a common theme between two texts (one weve read in class and one of your
choosing) in order to establish an argument about literature or society. For the purposes of our
class, the word text may encompass more than just written works; the texts you study could be
novels, comic strips, songs, musical albums, television shows, movies, or even commercials, as
long as they are relevant to your argument.

As you work on the project, pay special attention to the following assignments and deadlines:

Topic Proposal July 16
Annotated Bibliography July 21
Rough Argument July 23
Final Argument July 28
Presentation July 30

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