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1-Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.

1-"I don't like cheese", Jack said.

Jack said that he didnt like cheese.
2-"Does yor !other li"e here#", $o% asked !e.
$o% asked !e if !y !other li"ed there.
&-"Don't cheat in the e(a!", the teacher told s.
)he teacher ordered s not to cheat in the e(a!.
*-"+hat is yor srna!e#, the receptionist asked Joe.
)he receptionist asked Joe what her srna!e was.
,-"Don't shoot", the captain ordered his !en.
)he captain ordered his !en not to shoot.
--".o!e to !y wedding", /he said to !e.
/he in"ited !e to go to her wedding.
0-"1et's go to the disco", 2lice said.
2lice sggested going to the disco.
3-"+here do yo li"e#, the police officer asked Jlian.
)he police officer asked Jlian where did he li"ed.
4-"Don't !o"e", the /heriff said looking at !e.
)he /herriff ordered !e not to !o"e.
15-"+hy don't yo take another %iscit#", 1cy's !other said to the children.
1cys !other sggested that the children shold take another %iscit.
11-"6lease, please, gi"e !e so!e food. I'! star"ing", the old !an said.
)he old !an asked !e if I cold gi"e hi! so!e food, he was star"ing.
12-"7esterday I ate fish and chips", 8ichael told his friends.
8ichael e(plained his friends that he had eaten fish and chips the day %efore.
1&-"+old yo like to %e fa!os#, the 9ornalist asked the contestants.
)he 9ornalist asked the contestants if they wold like to %e fa!os.
1*-")ake things easy, 8r /!ith. 7o can ha"e another heart attack", the doctor said.
)he doctor warned 8r /!ith to take things easy, he cold ha"e another heart attack.
2-Rewirte the following sentences I direct speech.
1-Jack asked !e for !y telephone n!%er.
+hats yor telephone n!%er#, Jack asked !e.
2-)hey wanted to know if I was a "egetarian.
2re yo a "egetarian# , they asked !e.
&-)he fire!an warned s not to light a fire %ecase that cold %e "ery dangeros.
Dont light a fire, it can %e "ery dangeros, the fire!an warned s.
*-/san asked !e to open the window.
.an yo open the window, /san asked !e.
,-)he lost child %egged !e to let hi! !ake a call.
.an I !ake a call, the lost child %egged !e.

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