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English 112

Summer 2014
Mrs. Holmes
Topic Proposal

Due Date: Wednesday, July 16
Length: 1 page

Your first component of your Research Project is a formal topic proposal. Be sure to answer the
following questions as you write the proposal:

What is your topic? Remember to explain the theme and the two works you plan to write
about in your researched argument.
Which theoretical perspective will you use to view these works?
What is your thesis? In other words, what will you argue about your chosen theme?
Why is your topic relevant? Why should you, your classmates, and your instructor care
about this topic?

As you write, be sure to explain your topic in a way that someone unfamiliar with the subject could
understand, defining any key terms. Remember, you dont know if Ive seen the second work you
plan to discuss in your project, so make sure you give me the information I need in order to
understand your idea.

This proposal should be typed, double-spaced, in 12 point, Times New Roman font, with one inch
margins on all sides. You are not required to incorporate any research in this paper, though you
may do so if you wish.

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