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As a teacher, plan to introduce mathematical concepts for both traditional and

natural phenomenon. A common question that students have is how will they use
the concept in real life. As teacher, my job is to show them that math is one of the
most important concepts to learn. There are many topics that relate to natural
phenomena, I will attempt to use the rates of reproduction over time to better
illustrate the Fibonacci sequence.
The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers:
0, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,
In the article Fibonacci in Nature, Nikhat Parveen states that, The Fibonacci
sequence is natures numbering system. It appears everywhere; they are present in
the bracts of a pinecone, to even the scales of pineapple. These numbers are
applicable to everything that grows. The Fibonacci are parts of cells, a grain of
wheat, hive of bees, animals, and all mankind. To show that the Fibonacci sequence
is related to animals, I will talk about rabbits reproduction.
A pair of rabbits can produce another pair of rabbits at the age of two
months. You have one newborn male and one newborn female rabbit that are placed
in a garden.

You begin with one pair of rabbits. The first month they cannot reproduce
therefore you still have one pair of rabbits. By the end of the second month, the
female reproduces a pair or rabbits, so now you have two pairs of rabbits. By the
third month the initial pair of rabbits reproduce another pair, but the newborn
dont, therefore you now have three pairs of rabbits in the garden. At the end of the
fourth month, the original pair reproduces a new pair, and the second female
reproduces another pair, making five pairs in the garden.
The pair of rabbits per month is represented as follows:
If the rabbits continued to reproduce, then the Fibonacci sequence is formed the
picture below shows, how the rabbits would make up the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence is mainly related to any living this therefore, it is important
to introduce it in the classrooms.


"Fibonacci Numbers and Nature." The Fibonacci Numbers and
Golden Section in Nature. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2014.

Parveen, Nikhat. "Fibonacci in Nature." Fibonacci in Nature. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 06 May 2014.

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