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First Grade Space Unit

Final Project Description

Students will draw a popsicle stick with the name of a planet on
it and be given informational readings about that planet. The
student will be asked to complete a Solar System News article
following the given template on an iPad.

The student will then create a Digital Portfolio using the Easy
Portfolio app on an iPad (with teacher help).

Students will upload (with teacher help) their Constellation
VoiceThread, Lunar Phases flip-book, and Solar System News
article. Each component will be worth 20 points for a total of 60
points possible for the entire portfolio.

Points Breakdown

Constellation VoiceThread
Illustration of constellation is present (10 points)
Story of constellations creation is present (10 points)
Lunar Phases Flip-book
Illustration of all eight phases of the lunar cycle are
present (10 points each phase is worth 1.25 points)
Label of all eight phases of the lunar cycle are present
(10 points each phase is worth 1.25 points)
Solar System News Article
Name of planet is present (1 points)
Illustration of planet is present (2 points)
Distance from the sun is present (2 points)
Neighboring planets are listed (2 points)
Number of moons is reported (2 points)
Weather report is present (2 points)
Interesting information 3 interesting facts are
present (9 points each fact is worth 3 points)
Note: Information that is not accurate (based on the
assigned readings) will not receive credit.

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