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VIVA -IMS: Institute Of Management Studies

Survey Form


Name: _______________________________________________________

Age: __________ Location: _____________________________

1. What is your profession?


2. Do you use mobile?

Yes No
3. Which mobile do you use?
i) Company name? _____________________________________
ii) Mobile Price?
Up to 3000 3000 – 7000 above 7000

1. How much percentage of your income do you spend every month?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

2. Do you keep track of your expenses?

Yes No

i) If No, do you feel the need to keep track of your expenses?

Yes No
ii) If Yes, how often do you keep track of your expenses?

Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly

1. What tools do you use to keep track of your expenses?
Journal Brain Computer Mobile
i) Why do you not use your mobile to keep track of your expenses?
1. If provided with software on your mobile to keep track of your

expenses will you use it?

Yes No
2. Would it help you to have a free tutorial on this software?
Yes No
3. How much money are you willing to spend for such software?
Up to Rs.100 100 – 300 above 300

10. What features do you look for in such type of software?


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