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Annotated Bibliography

Berenice Torres

1. Johnson, Ramon. "Why Gay Marriage and Not Civil Unions?" Gay Life. Web.
17 Feb. 2014.
This article is a great part of my research paper because it explains things a little clearer. It
provides information on civil unions and ordinary marriage laws. The purpose here is to get a
clearer and more understanding idea of gay marriage. As human beings we refuse to educate
ourselves to know more about gay marriage and just sit here and criticize without knowing all or
at least some information regarding a subject. The article gives us information so we can get that
better understanding.

2. Makarenko, Jay. "Same-Sex Marriage in Canada." 1 Jan. 2007. Web.19
Feb. 2014.

The article provides information about the rights of same sex marriage in the country of
Canada. There are well over one hundred countries that have legalized gay marriage, Canada
being one of them and the United States has 17 states that have legalized gay marriage. People
see gay marriage as out of this world. Other people really dont care about gay marriage, they
just mind their business. And other people are involved a lot because theyre gay and the
outcome will benefit them.

3. Messerli, Joe. "Should Same-Sex Marriages Be Legalized?"
19 Nov. 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

There is always a question if we should do this or if we should do that. Sometimes the
government, the man in power, legalizes dumb things. An example of a really dumb legalized
issue, Marijuana. So the question states, should same sex marriages be legalized? The article I
read provides the advantages and disadvantages of gay marriage. We should all live our lives and
let others live their lives happy as well dont you think?

4. The Huffington Post. The Top 10 Arguments Against Gay Marriage. Gay Voice, Huff Post.
Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

This is the Huffingtonpost Gay Voice. This is an article that is titled The Top 10
Arguments Against Gay Marriage: All Receive Failing Grades. This informs us about
what the community is basing the gay community by. It gives the gay community a grade
in Religion, who are we to judge or to be judged by a religion. To me religion is one of
the main issues towards gay marriage.

5. Should gay Marriage Be Legalized. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

The website informs us about gay marriage. It shows us how gay marriage is going to be
beneficial the community. Allowing everyone will be happy and not have to live in the
dark. This website is in favor of legalizing gay marriage. Everyone is entitled to love and
marry whoever makes them happy in life.

6. U.S. expands legal benefits, services for same-sex marriages. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.

The benefits for the gay community will all pay off. Like the article says it will change
the lives of people that are in the gay community. I really hope everyone is treated
equally no matter what; we are no one to judge. The partners of others are entitled to be
under the same insurance, which is great in my opinion. The best part is that everything
will be legal.

7. Marriage Equality USA. Web. 10 Feb. 2014.

This websites gives us a lot of small article that we can read about. How other countries
are planning to legalize gay marriage. There are stories of couples that have had a
ceremony to unite their love to each other. In my opinion if a man wants to marry a man
and a woman wants to marry a woman we should let it be. At the end of the day you will
be with whoever you want and makes you happy.

8. Mendel, Martha. Personal Interview. Gay Marriage. 10 Feb. 2014.

Martha answered a couple of questions for me regarding gay marriage. She is totally for
it, being gay herself. She is in a Domestic Partner relationship, which I think is great.
Martha plans on pursuing a family with her partner. I see her very happy, and most
important it is normal to be gay.

9. Mendez, Penelope. Personal Interview. Gay Marriage. 9 Feb. 2014.

Penny as everyone knows her by is a very unique person. She is in a Domestic Partner
relationship with her wife. Penny is a fulltime worker and student. She has no issue with
being open about her being gay. She has been my friend for many years and is very
respectful. A lot of people say gay people are in their own world and dont mind if
anyone feels uncomfortable, in this case Penny is nowhere near that.

10. Ky. Gay Marriage Ruling Looks to Precedents. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

People in the state are not too happy, I dont know why. A judge had to rule that the state
of Kentucky has to recognize same-sex marriage. Being married to your same-sex is not
out of this world. If we would all accept it the world would all be better. There wouldnt
be as much discrimination as there is right now. We should all just let everyone be happy
with who they love.
11. Cloud, John. "The Battle Over Gay Marriage." Time Magazine. Time, 08 Feb. 2004. Web. 02
Feb. 2014.

The article is basically on gay marriage. It's talked about the pros and the cons about gay
marriage. For the most part people see gay marriage as something out of this world. If gay
marriage is approved the world is going to be more crazier than what it is now. The article is
named a battle, a battle between loving someone and being accepted by the society. The article is
from 2004 when gay marriage was more of a sin if you ask me.

12. Halkitis, Perry N. "Obama, Marriage Equality, and the Health of Gay Men." American
Journal of Public Health, Sept. 2012. Academic Search Complete. Web. 06. Feb. 2014.

This article gave me good information for my paper. It talked about how we should all be
treated equally. It doesn't matter if you are a man and are married to a man you still deserve any
kind of health attention. If men and women have fought for our country regardless if they are gay
or not they certainly deserve any kind of medical attention, and it doesnt matter if their partner
wants to be in there with them. People need to get over this whole idea of, if you are gay I will
treat you different, its pointless.

13. Carlson, B.E.. "Intimate partner abuse and mental health: The role of social support and other
protective factors. Violence Against Women." . N.p., 1 Jan. 2002. Web. 1 Apr. 2014.

This is an informational article explaining how society plays a role in how intimate partner abuse
is addressed and dealt with. The article also gives information on how this can cause mental
health issues such as depression and anxiety. Sometimes inmates have gone through things at a
young age and dont get the help or support they need.
14. Blankstein, Andrew, and Robert Lopez. "LAPD, probation officers shot in South L.A.." Los
Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 25 June 2013. Web. 6 Apr. 2014.

The article I read was about a probation officer who got shot. Some people dont allow others to
help them when they need the help. They think probation officers are there to cause more harm,
but they are not. Probation officers are there to help. There was no need for this probation officer
to be gunned down.

15. Parsons, Dana. 04, July. "Probation Officers' Lost and Found." Los Angeles Times. Los
Angeles Times, 4 July 2006. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

Every person in this world has a different perspective towards different situations. This article
mentions how probation officers, not all, have a heart of stone. Meaning they are careless people
and dont give in to anyone and what they say goes. When you are a probation officer you have
to know how to be a strong person but also be someones friend. People will learn to trust you if
you are their friend and it will make your job easier.

16. Sewell, Abby. "L.A. County struggles with issue of felons bolting from probation." Los
Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 4 Jan. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.

This article talks about when probation has gone wrong. When someone is given probation, well
put on probation, is because the system believes they deserve another chance. When people
continue doing the same crime over and over probation is pointless. People like the man in this
article make probation pointless for others that really deserve it.

17. Kopetman, Roxana. "21 Volunteers Will Assist Overworked Probation Officers." Los
Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 2 Dec. 1990. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.

Probation officers have always been needed due to high demands. With the AB109 there is even
more and more demands for probation officers. Back in 1990 there were so many criminals that
were on probation that the system needed to get volunteers to help out with all the people being
on probation. Comes to show that since then till now probation officers are of high demand, so
thats where I need to be.

18. Van Gend, David, and Tim Wilson. "The Gay Marriage Debate." Review - Institute of Public
Affairs 63.3 (2011): 36-7.ProQuest. 8 Mar. 2014 .

This article explains the debate of gay marriage by giving reasons on both the pro and con ends.
It emphasizes on the idea that children are the most important reason as to why gay marriage
should continue to be illegal. The authors claim that a heterosexual marriage is most significant
for the child because of the idea of a role model from a mother and a father. Losing either one,
they claim, could be a downfall to the development of the child. The article goes on to mention
faith, socioeconomic status and divorce rates to prove its point.

19. Cahn, Naomi. "Legalizing Gay Marriage." Journal of Marriage and Family 67.5 (2005):
1348-9. ProQuest. 10 Mar.2014 .

Legalizing Gay Marriage is an article in which the author, Cahn, evaluates and speaks of a
previous book that was written by Michael Mello. This book being analyzed explains the ruling
on the Baker v. Vermont in which Baker won the battle where a civil union was created to allow
gay couples to gain equal rights as those with heterosexual marriage. Mello argued that although
the same rights and benefits were offered to civil unions, it was still a bill of rights issue because
there was still a difference between a civil union and a marriage. He felt that although Baker won
and the state was looked at as taking a huge turning point, the state was being unfair.

Things.213 (2011): 47-52. ProQuest. 7 Mar.2014 .

According to this article, the ruling of Proposition 8 in the state of California was taken solely on
the basis that marriage between a man and a woman is a tradition. Tradition meaning that it is
based on an individuals morals and beliefs. With that said, the article claims that the decision
taken by the judge was not taken based on the claims that he made stating that the communitys
opinion was not going to serve as a public enactment. This however, is not what he did and this
is what the article focus on.

EDUCATING FORSEXUALITY." Educational Theory 63.5 (2013): 543-58. ProQuest. 5

This article talks about gay marriage and how it can affect society. How in schools there will be
much more talk about gay marriage. It also informs us of how we need to educate each other
regarding this subject. When teaching kids about gay marriage, it doesn't mean you are
encouraging the kids to become gay you are only educating them on a subject we really don't
have so much knowledge of.

22. Galli, Mark.Christians Should Oppose Same-Sex Marriage. Religion in America. David
Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit:Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints.
Is the Gay Marriage Debate Over? Christianity Today 53 (July 2009): 30-33.
Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

According to this article we must oppose to gay marriage because of our religion. Religion takes
things over board when it comes to gay marriage. People think that you will go to hell if you love
a person of the same sex. We dont stop and think about all the harm we are causing someone
when we miss treat them when we know they are gay. That will cause us to go to hell, religion
wont help you here.

23. "Statistics." The Fatherless Generation. N.p. Web. 3 Apr 2013.

The article just informs us about the statistics on homosexuals. It informs us of why some kids
turn to being gay. The statistics show that homes with single parents, single mothers that is, have
a higher percentage of gay children. Study show that children feel alone and seek love from
whoever gives it to them. And in result some get the wrong idea. These are just studies, which
sometimes are wrong, in my opinion.

24. Gozema, Patricia A and Karen Kahn. Courting Equality: A Documentary History of
Americas First Legal Same-Sex Marriages. Boston: Beacon Press. 2007. Web. 30 Mar.

This reading is about the first legal gay marriage in the United States that took place in Boston.
There was really no difference than a regular marriage, well maybe that it was a man and man
getting married instead of a man and a woman. Its very interesting how people read about this
documentary and then decided to come out the closet. I believe that if you are gay there is no
need to hide. People will always talk behind your back no matter what so dont hide who you
truly are because no one is ever satisfied with what they see.

25. Gay Family Values. Time 16 July 2007. Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale. USC,
Columbia, SC. 8 October 2007. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.

Every family has their family values. So is there a difference if you have a gay family, does it
change the meaning of your values? There really isnt a difference, its just the mentality of
others that dont know the difference. The article provides us with information about family
values, but in reality we are the only ones that know our family values. No one can come and say
what we should value or not if they are our own values.

26. Larry King Live. "Dennis Prager Debates Perez Hilton On Same-Sex Marriage."Youtube. 21
Apr 2009. Web. 16 Mar. 2012.

We all know Mr. Perez Hilton is, and sometimes think he is out of this world but he wanted to
prove in this debate. Why should he settle for just a civil union, when he can have a marriage? If
he is treated like others when it comes to legal stuff, traffic tickets, tax deductions, why cant
Americans just accept the fact that people are gay. There is nothing people can do to change
others minds on who they prefer to live with or how they want to live.

27. Strasser, Mark. Same-Sex Marriage And The Right To Privacy. Journal of Law & Family
Studies. 13.1 (2011): 117-150. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

We all know that no matter if you want to keep your personal business to yourself you just cant.
There are a lot of people that call themselves your fiends but dont know how to keep your
business out of their mouths. So if you are gay dont worry you are entitled to keep that private,
no one needs to know. You just need to be careful of those people you do tell.

28. "Getting the Facts: Same-Sex Marriage." Family Research Institute. Family Research
Institute, 2012. Web. 02 Apr. 2012.

The article gives us information on the facts on same sex marriages. The facts are that same sex
marriages are happening across the country and there isnt anything anyone can do to stop them.
Facts show that gay marriages are on the rise, and more and more people are being open about it.
Families consist now of two dads or two moms and not only the practical mother and father

29. The Ellen Degeneres Show. "Clinton on Ellen Discussing Gay Marriage." Youtube4 Sept
2007.Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

Ms. Clinton discusses with Ellen about gay marriage. Ellen herself is gay so its a great topic to
talk about on national television. Ms. Clinton adds that gay marriage is something that everyone
wants, whoever y that is gay that is. The gay community is very well supported by Ms. Clinton.

30. "Probation and Parole" 11 2011. Web. 17. Feb. 2014

This article talks about probation and parole. It tells us the differences between the two. The
difference is one is a federal option and one is a state option. Probation is offered on a less
offensive conviction. Parole is offered when you have served time in a state prison. Probation is
offered when you have served time in a county jail.

31. Remez, L. 1998. Single Adult Mothers are Considerably Less Well-Off Than Their Married
Peers. Family Planning Perspectives 30 (September). Web. 1 Mar. 2014.

This article provides information on single mothers. Single mothers have less time to spend one
on one time with their children. Mothers dont know whats going on with their children and
dont see everything. They are too busy trying to provide for the house hold and family. This is
when kids hide if they are gay.

32. Garis, Dalton. 1998. Poverty, Single-Parent Households, and Youth At-Risk Behavior: An
Empirical Study. Journal of Economic Issues 32 (December). Web. 28 Feb. 2014

Children in single parent household have behavior problems. One of them can be being a
homosexual. This isnt a proven fact but just a mystery. Having both parents support is a big of
life so you can imagine if a young kid knows he/she is gay and doesnt have that support.

33. Blau, Francine D., Lawrence M. Kahn, and Jane Waldforgel. 2000. Understanding Young
Women's Marriage Decisions: The Role of Labor and Marriage Market Conditions.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 35 (July). Web. 2 Mar. 2014.

The article provides us with information regarding womens decisions on marriage. Some
women get married at a young age. Some women dont get married at all. Some women get
married at a very old stage of their lives. And some women marry other women. These are all
decisions taken by them not anyone else.

34. Edin, Kathryn. 2000. Few Good Men: Why Low-Income Single mothers Dont Get
Married. American Prospect 11 (January). Web. 5 Mar. 2014.

The article talks about few good men, just like the title says. There are men out there that make
their woman their number one priority but that is rare to find now. Women want a man that will
be good to them and treat them the same way they treat their man. The problem is that there isnt
many men that are like that anymore, and if there is they are married. Some woman find it easier
to turn to another woman because they know exactly what they want and need.

35. Bulcroft, Richard A. and Kris A. Bulcroft. 1993. Race Differences in Attitudinal and
Motivational Factors in the Decision to Marry. Journal of Marriage and the Family 55
(May). Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

This article talks about race and marriage decisions. I believe that now in days it is very
common that you marry outside your own race. You can not control who you fall in love with it
doesnt matter what race they are, you can not control your heart. It is all up to you on who it is
you want to marry, doesnt matter if they are red, white, black or blue, love is love.

36. Burbridge, Lynn. 1995. Policy Implications of a Decline in Marriage Among African
Americans. In The Decline in Marriage Among African-Americans, eds. M.B. Tucker and
C. Mitchel-Kernan, 323-344. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Web. 11 March. 2014.

I found this article interesting because it talked about the declined marriages in African
Americans. I compared that to the declined marriages in the gay community. It really makes no
sense how it was a problem back then that someone would marry an African American. So we go
back to the same issue, not with blacks, but with same sex marriages. Its all a cycle that repeats

37. Lichter, Daniel T., Diane K. McLaughlin, George Kephart, and David J. Landry. 1992.
Race and the Retreat From Marriage: A Shortage of Marriageable Men? American
Sociological Review, 57 (December). Web. 9 Mar. 2014.

So the article provides us with information on a shortage of marriageable men. What does that
tell us, that there are not enough men that are willing to marry for whatever reason. Therefore
there are women that would want to marry someone so their next option is to marry another
woman. There is nothing wrong in marrying another woman if youre another woman. We just
read that there is a shortage on men who are marriageable material.

38. Stier, Haya and Marta Tienda. 1997. Spouses or Babies? Race, Poverty and Pathways in
Family Formation in Urban America. Ethnic and Racial Studies 20 (January). Web 3
Mar. 2014.

It is believed that some people just want to marry another for a baby. Or some people just choose
to have a baby instead of a marriage and a household together. I believe that you know having a
baby is something that you can handle well go for it. If marriage is what you want go for that too.
Dont commit yourself to something you know will never work.

39. Fagan, Patrick and Robert Rector. 2000. The Effects of Divorce on America. The Heritage
Foundation Backgrounder 1373 (June). Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

Divorce rates are very high between men and women. On another note gay marriage has a very
low divorce rate. So if you know your marriage will work out, take the chance. No one is ready
for marriage until you go for it. Marry whoever you want, at the end you are the only one that
knows what you want.

40. Mink, Gwendolyn. 2001. "Violating Women: Rights Abuses in the Welfare Police State,"
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 577 (September). Web.
12 Mar. 2014.

Some women are hurt and abuse. Not only abused physically, but mentally, verbally, and
sexually as well. A woman knows what she has gone through and seeks for help any way she
can. There have been situations where woman find themselves in the same situations as other
woman and they support each other. They find it easier to get the support they need from another
woman and find comfort in that relationship.

41. Mataconis, Doug. "Federal Judge Rules Ohio Must Recognize Out Of State Same-Sex
Marriage, Sometimes." Outside the Beltway. Outside the Beltway, 1 Dec. 2013. Web. 6 March.

On this website I came across an image that I used on my research paper on gay marriage. Its
a picture of two rings and it says gay marriage on the bottom. It has a drop down background of
the rainbow flag.The flag symbolizes the diversity the gay community has.

42. Olson, Clerance. "Will Gay Marriages Ever be Recognized in North Dakota?." . Say
Anything Blog, 13 Mar. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.

This is another image of two flags. The gay community flag and the United States flag, both put
together. North Dakota is asking for equality and what better way to put this image together.

43. Heynsten, Aaron. "Juvenile Probation Officer Training." Criminal Justice Schools. N.p., 1
Jan. 2014. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.

Image. Probation badge Self explanatory.

44. A, Michael. "Motion to Revoke Probation Case Results." Haggard Law Firm RSS. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

Image. Probation officer Self Explanatory.

45. "Juvenile Justice Department." Bannock County Juvenile Probation Officer Contact Information.
N.p.,n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

Image. Juvenile Justice Services Self Explanatory.

46. "The Educated Catholic Voter: 10 Lists on the Catholic Citizen | St. Peter's List." St Peters
List RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May. 2014.

Image. Unjust Laws Self Explanatory.

47. Whitesell, S. L.. "Unjust Laws: MLK and Contraceptive Mandates." Christ and Pop
Culture. N.p., 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 1 May 2014.

Image. Unjust Laws Self Explanatory.

48. Grande, Reyna . "The Distance Between Us: A Memoir." Barnes & Noble. N.p., 12 Mar.
2013. Web. 1 May 2014.

The distance between us was a book we read for class. We also wrote reflections on the book. I
was able to connect with this book because it was like something I went through in my personal
life. The readings we did helped us write our first in class essay. It was a good book over all, a
little rushed in some area but it was understood.

49. "Photos of Iguala - Featured Images." Iguala Photos. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 May 2014.

Image. Iguala Guerrero, The distance Between Us Self Explanatory.

50. "La Feria de los Deseos en Per apela a la fe y a las tradiciones milenarias." Elcomercio.
N.p., 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 4 May. 2014.

Image. Limpia of a Curandera, like the one used in The Distance Between Us- Sel Explanatory.

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