Visual Literacy Presentation2

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Visual Literacy

Grade 7 Team Presentation

What is Visual Literacy to us?
The grade 7 team focused on
Visual Literacy being not only
the ability to create pieces of
work, but also have the ability
to understand and interpret
visual texts as well.
To help facilitate their visual
literacy, we decided we would
use cartoons.
They are fun, engaging, and
How can cartoons support Blooms
Taxonomy and be used to promote
Visual Literacy?
Cartoons for
Giving students a visual like a cartoon
will help them remember a topic being
discussed and learnt about.
Hey Remember about that cartoon with
Leonardo da Vinci taking the Original
Oh ya! Henry Hudson was kicked off
his boat with his son in the Hudson's Bay
Cartoons can incorporate modern ideas
with figures from the past. Helping
students make connections with figures
that are long deceased who lived in a
different time.
Cartoons for Understanding
Cartoons can simplify
concepts that may
previously been
considered difficult by
using visuals for
This cartoon helps
show the concept
Mercantilism in New
France. It acts like a
pictorial flow chart.
Cartoons for
This is the step where those
higher students can get a
little hands on
Students can take in what
they have learnt and use it
to create a cartoon to
demonstrate their
Here, Students would
complete the cartoon.
Apply their knowledge to
create their own slide of the
Lead Discussions relating to
reading strategies
Cartoons for
Cartoons can have many
complex meanings and
interpretations for students
to analyze.
With source base questions
making up a large part of
PATs and diplomas.
Introducing the analysis of
cartoons in grade 7, will
help prepare them as they
move forward into grade 9
and high school.
Cartoons for
Cartoons can represent
different perspectives
This encourages
students to evaluate
and appreciate
different points of
Choose a perspective
and support.
Cartoons for
Cartoons can be used as a writing
Make a headline and write a biased
article defending your position of Louis

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